Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [verb] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 Much of the history of the Middle Ages follows from that fact , as the papacy struggled to separate the concept of the Empire from the property of any one dynasty , and the emperors strove to make of the Church an instrument of state .
2 She foretold the invasion and defeat of the Spanish Armada in 1588 ; and Samuel Pepys ' Diary grimly records that Mother Shipton gave forewarning of the Great Fire of London in 1666 .
3 A couple of years earlier , Jacko 's investment had consisted of the introduction of a group of very willing young ladies to his previously well liquored stag party of civic and other dignitaries .
4 David had heard of the Wilikinses ' divorce there had been quite a lot about the circumstances surrounding it in the Birmingham Mail — and he had been told of a second , short-lived marriage .
5 The lawyer had said of the will : ‘ A recipe for infighting …
6 If both parties had partaken of a meal containing that pungent rooted plant , then nothing would be amiss .
7 The German Commandant had dreamt of a mute Jewish whore and when he was issued one for the duration his cup overflowed .
8 When Keynes had talked of the ‘ euthanasia of the rentier ’ he had not been thinking of cricket , but the MCC had to face the reality of the decline of the leisured classes .
9 The tinners of St. Austell heard tell of the reception planned for them and ‘ … thought it prudent not to come ’ .
10 It was later discovered that some Scottish Folds developed thickening of the limbs and tail , and that this was a serious handicap to them .
11 England manager Graham Taylor left him out of the European Championship squad last summer and Blackburn pulled put of a £3 million transfer at the 11th hour in August .
12 During the fourth day of the trial at Liverpool Crown Court , the deputy matron of the hospital where Gilfoyle worked told of a meeting she had with him .
13 Tenby had bit of a problem
14 Nolan J said that the committee had to consist of the same people throughout .
15 Once Harvard had disposed of a stock , the price would often drop .
16 At 8am , the hospital formally announced that Conor had died of a heart attack .
17 Even the directors had known of the trick .
18 On external relations the heads of state and government adopted a declaration on the Soviet Union ( noting inter alia that deliveries had begun of the food aid worth ECU750,000,000 pledged in December 1990 — see p. 37906 ) .
19 He rode a moment , and then dived into the shifting , opaque water , which ran away from him in rays , like jewels flashing , opals you might call them , emeralds , lapis , rubies , sapphires , as Van Gogh had said of the stars reflected in that same sea in June 1888 .
20 There were important divisions over tactics — the older guard tended to disapprove of the wave of terrorist attacks mounted by younger members between 1901 and 1907 .
21 However , there was substantial US Congressional opposition to a free trade pact with Mexico ; the US unions and the citrus and textile industries were drawing attention to the job losses which such an agreement could entail for the USA , while environmental groups lobbied to warn of the implications of Mexico 's less stringent controls on industry .
22 Editor , — We recently encountered an interesting complication related to use of a laryngeal mask .
23 Rostov sorted through the physical descriptions which Burun had supplied of the principal members of the court and knew that he was addressing Va'na Khatun , once a slave and concubine , but now the wife of Arjun and grandmother to the wife of Burun 's own son Jotan .
24 Whether Annie and Lizzie had heard of the Sunday visit or had marked her absence was n't clear but they appeared almost conciliatory compared to previous days .
25 Relief agencies estimated that approximately 200 people were dying of starvation each week in the Ogaden in the remote south-east , according to reports from mid-October ; malnutrition had sharply increased , with the death rate rising to 12 per 10,000 daily since August , when aid workers had warned of a worsening situation [ see p. 39042 ] .
26 She had never-quite-known what Dorothy Tuckey , and Magill and Tatham had known of the real loneliness of the hunted .
27 Karamani Mehmed Pasa ( Grand Vezir 882–6/1477–81 ) , pupil of another scholar vanquished by Hocazade and therefore ill-disposed toward him , told Mehmed II that Hocazade had complained of the climate in Istanbul , saying that because of it he had forgotten the learned works he had memorized , and that he had praised the climate in Iznik .
28 The output produced consisted of the cost of implementing the proposed grade boundaries in the first year together with estimates of the cost in forthcoming years .
29 The lexicon used consisted of the Oxford Advanced Learner 's Dictionary of Current English ( OALDCE ) .
30 In the 1950s and the 1960s many US firms grew so large so fast that Europeans began to speak of the ‘ American takeover ’ of their economies .
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