Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [adj] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 The central bankers in the US made mistakes in the 1970s , the anti-inflationary Conservative government made mistakes during 1987 and 1988 , the Germans made serious mistakes over monetary union in Germany in 1990 .
2 He was thus encouraged to believe that the Cambridge Board entertained some doubt over the strength of its case for unilateral action and was therefore anxious to reach a negotiated agreement with the WEA prior to making any application for additional Chapter III providing powers .
3 LORD Spencer 's death might have served to remind this country of the dread winter of 1978/1979 when rubbish was uncollected in the streets , the fire brigades were on strike , hospitals were picketed by auxiliary workers who demanded to approve all surgical operations , housewives fought each other over a cauliflower leaf and the dead lay unburied in every churchyard .
4 At the Bell 's Scottish Open he was denied by one of the most incredible finishes ever when Australian peter O'Malley produced 7-under-par figures over the last five holes for a European record-equalling low 60 .
5 De Beauvoir maintained rigid control over certain areas of her emotional and sexual life to the end of her days , yet some things she publicly , if not privately repressed have recently resurfaced .
6 Donna cupped one hand over her eyes and saw the lights of King 's Cross through the window as the train slowed to a crawl , preparatory to gliding to a halt .
7 The response by headmistresses of middle class girls ' schools parallelled nineteenth-century divisions over the appropriate curriculum for girls .
8 Most estimates were exceeded three or four times , while a handful of the strongest colours and the rarest patterns and shapes fetched 10 times over estimate .
9 Fighting confirmed reported disagreements over the proposed partition , with Serb and Croat forces both seeking to win control of north-eastern Bosnia , a potential corridor between Serb communities in eastern Croatia and Serbia proper .
10 A deal collapsed last week over personal terms .
11 CONFUSION reigned last night over the fate of the £3.5bn Channel tunnel high-speed rail link and the route it will take through Kent to London .
12 The negative impact is easiest to demonstrate : the high burden of taxation , billeting of troops , and the press-gang generated increasing resentment over time .
13 In Victorian Britain or France during the Second Empire the critic had some influence over taste .
14 Israel continued its bombardment of villages in the south on Nov. 12 and Israeli aircraft staged mock attacks over the area .
15 DOUBTS remained last night over whether the Government had honoured its promise not to impose cash limits on drugs expenditure in the bill to bring in National Health Service changes published yesterday .
16 When the US Marine Corps ' 2 Division stormed ashore at Tarawa in November 1943 , a third of the 5,000 marines landing on the first day were casualties because the Japanese were well prepared and the tide played fateful tricks over the reefs .
17 The majority received 100 mg over a period of 3 hours .
18 One case which involved the murder of a 3-year-old girl received massive coverage over an eight-day period and then spasmodic coverage over the next seven weeks until a 27-year-old man was arrested and charged with the child 's murder .
19 A similar fate befell other proposals over the following years .
20 Writing from Paris , Jean de Grilly expressed considerable anxiety over the pressure exerted upon Armagnac to render homage to Philip III .
21 In the aftermath of the recent initial settlement over the wreck of the Three Mile Island power station , a new battle began last week over the half-built shell of the Barnwell nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in South Carolina .
22 Obviously Ted and I were n't always around to scrutinize the intricate excitements of this new love , especially as Dad and Eva spent many evenings over the river in London proper , going to the theatre to see controversial plays , to German films or to lectures by Marxists , and to high-class parties .
23 The final week of the election campaign saw long debates over the proposals into a traditional left-right confrontation .
24 Pete gave another look over the Princess , and wondered what Ted would have thought of the berthing arrangements had he been here to see them .
25 It also said HP-UX multi-user computers , test-and-measurement products and medical equipment had good increases over last year , and even personal computers and components had very good order levels .
26 Although the Channel Tunnel Company set up during the 1880s survived the abandonment of the project , the pro-tunnel lobby had little success over the next 40 years despite a rash of Bills in Parliament and an inquiry by the Committee of Imperial defence in 1913 .
27 ‘ I write of power being destructive and parents had absolute power over children in those days .
28 I have pointed Out in an earlier essay , for example , that the distribution of certain fossils corresponds remarkably well with the old Austro-Hungarian Empire , though it is doubtful whether the Hapsburgs had much control over evolution .
29 Although no specific progress was made , a statement by Miyazawa on July 16 suggested that , if Russia recognized Japanese sovereignty over the islands , the Japanese government might be flexible on the issue of their return .
30 WATERLOO BOY gained sweet revenge over Katabatic in Exeter 's feature race yesterday and left his old foe 's big race plans in tatters .
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