Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] there be quite " in BNC.

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1 This may seem like an odd question but there is quite some difference between eating styles , especially eating related to what is often viewed as ‘ naughty ’ food .
2 We ha we have to look at the environmental consequences , you stick a barrage that size across erm a large er river system you 've got to ask what happens upstream erm and of course Bristol for example is a port , how to get the ships in and out is another problem but er these are being considered at the moment and there 's quite a lot of mo money going into , into studies but no commitment yet as to actually , to actually build it .
3 And we actually then went down and we looked all over the place and there are quite a number of pallets that in fact are not properly stacked .
4 They 're they you they 're all worked you know sandpapered and polished that 's rough , what they call rough work and then you gradually go onto the maybe staining and the just quite a lot of oak and there 's quite a lot of mahogany and walnut .
5 ‘ Well , for one thing he did all our framing and there 's quite a lot of that , but he painted too . ’
6 Erm , many of you will realize that East Devon have been requested er by the Government to prepare these area wide plans rather than just a town plan so they take in and encompass the whole of the area and there was quite a lengthy and substantial document with the , with all the different policy statements on I believe Councillor ?
7 But er there was a lot there was a lot of girls and th I do n't know what had what had happened but I mean , that was the worst thing , he 'd went up in the lift and there was quite there was some other the rest of the people in the lift er was trapped and was burned to death you know , tragic end .
8 Not everyone in the Old City was an admirer of Sheikh Osman and there were quite a few Moslems as well as Copts who rejoiced in his discomfiture .
9 But when my father took over , when he came back to Galashiels , he started in bicycles and there was quite probably ten bicycle shops in Galashiels at that time and er he gave , well he , he attracted business with his efficient way of repairing bicycles and er it 's funny that after about a number of years , we were between the last , after the last war I should say , the Second World War , er we were about the only people for , for a period the only bicycle shop in Galashiels .
10 Mrs X- — ( a teacher ) used to like Indian food and there were quite a few Indian girls in the class , so in two or three lessons in the cookery class they made Indian food .
11 Our library girl has been through our cuttings and there is quite a lot about you .
12 But the bread soon turned green in this time of year and there was quite a lot of penicillin about hence . .
13 There is a bus stop just outside the hotel and there is quite a frequent service into the centre of Brno .
14 And on the , on the , on the television front again erm , there is n't a great deal on the television front and there 's quite a bit of manipulation going on but erm , there is n't a great deal , deal of upturn .
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