Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] do you [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So , are you going to climb on board or do you prefer to stay here in the water ?
2 This whole business of sex education and teaching morality in schools , do you think it is the school 's responsibility or do you think mum and dad ought to play more of a part ?
3 And is it quite regular hours or do you work all over the time ?
4 Oh bye , oh hello , are you waiting for your mum or do you go home by yourself ?
5 Do you want me to put this in the bin mum or do you want it ?
6 How do you work , do you buy in the uppers or do you do the entire job yourself ? ’
7 Were you given the money or did you have to pay for that yourself ?
8 I mean , that 's the kind of thing one often hears on this programme , is it wishful thinking or d' you think we could actually achieve it ?
9 Did you obtain any of that information from the collators card or did you know it yourself ?
10 Do you think there 's a prejudice against women playing football or do you think it 's easy fo for women to play football ?
11 Are you a jack of all trades or do you prefer to specialize ?
12 Do you have a car or do you rely on public transport ?
13 Do you want a ham sandwich or do you want a come on what 's a ninety niner Ian ?
14 And do , do you normally play with Kay or do you have er
15 Was that just talk or did you have something real in mind ? ’
16 Do you want that piece or do you want me to cut you another ?
17 in a boat or do you go out far ?
18 oh yes it 's the er West Worthing Club and do you have a regular , you know , partner you play with , is it er er a doubles match and who would cos you 're then sort of sounding out whether there 's referral business in that one .
19 Dr Bethell , is beta blockade a hindrance to your training programme and do you try to wean patients off them ?
20 I set to work with my little bag of magic potions and do you know what I discovered ? ’
21 He had his own little boat and do you know where farmers make farrows on the land , the only mark that was left behind by Angus was the mark where he pulled his boat up on to the shore every day that the weather was not too rough .
22 Can you do that with one advertising campaign or do you plan ?
23 So what do you , I mean do you get on alright with the management or do you feel that it 's mostly , is the management mostly male and do you feel that er there should maybe be a wee bit more representation for the women workers in management ?
24 Do you think you have a few views in common with your workmates or do you think that when you 're talking things come out that you kind of like minded about things , maybe because of the job you 're doing , and the place you work in , you know like maybe like politics or something ,
25 Sure , do you mean paper B or do you mean the whole of item three ?
26 Er in the context of bulk transfers would you like to comment on the Good Committees conclusions on the bulk transfers of members between schemes and how they operate , and do you think that er there is widespread abuse or do you think er on balance your experience has been that where bulk transfers have taken place , they have taken place responsibly , but I would in that context ask you to comment whether there has been an unreasonable time delay where you have experienced bank bulk transfers between the transfer actually taking place in terms of employees being transferred from an undertaking to another undertaking and the actual transfer of their pension funds .
27 Then panellists start wandering off without making excuses and someone tops everything by asking ‘ Crispin of Chainsaw ’ how he gets his guitar sound : ‘ Like , do you kick in your amp or do you use distortion pedals ? ’
28 some little bits round the fence first then I put her ordinary food on her hut and do you know that little old beggar was
29 Right current in amps , let's give you two , volts and do you know what we measure resistance in ?
30 er the second one : do you promote recycling and do you use recycled products ?
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