Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] you have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You have tried to create a new charge code using option 7.7.1 — Create Charge Code and you do not have MANAGER privilege or you have tried to offline a package using option 9.1.0 — Request Package To Be Offlined , and you are not the package manager .
2 So you 're doing exactly what we were telling you to do a few weeks ago , that you had to er take money out of reserves or you had to cut down on the level of services if you were to avoid putting that thirty four pounds on the council tax bills this year .
3 You say you got to go to that golf club or you 've got to go to that school .
4 you 've just bought a car or you 've got a car you can take it and the police look over it to see if it 's alright .
5 If we are going to deliver to the people to whom we as elected members owe the highest duty , that 's the people who are in receipt of our services the sort of quality service that we , that they deserve then I have to say that we can have as many reports of this nature as we like , but you have got to acknowledge the need to change and you have got to stop resenting the rights of parents and governors to run schools , you 've got to stop being obstructive to competitive tendering and you have got to stop arguing for the retention of services where it 's patently obvious that there 's over provision .
6 This a times course of jumps in a ring and you have to go as fast as you can .
7 Like y'know we we 've mentioned organisational structure I think in the very first lecture er that idea , the idea that you 've got a kind of box at the top labelled president and you 've got two boxes underneath labelled vice president and you 've got y'know one box goes off to sales manager y'know the sort of thing I mean , okay ?
8 Like y'know we we 've mentioned organisational structure I think in the very first lecture er that idea , the idea that you 've got a kind of box at the top labelled president and you 've got two boxes underneath labelled vice president and you 've got y'know one box goes off to sales manager y'know the sort of thing I mean , okay ?
9 And you 'd covered the acid house and you 'd covered AIDS and you 'd covered all the social issues , 'cos that 's was missing from the British press — it 's all like conventional politics as usual , or you get the
10 Yes I mean it does n't go down well and I 'll say the things you have to do when you when you 're helping to run a club , you have to commit yourself to the club and you have to do the jobs that th presented by the club .
11 If you get stopped you lose possession and one big kick from the opposition and you 've lost position .
12 Bill takes it through Sunday , he come back the they 're special door speakers and you 've got to have the front door because there 's a bar at back so these are special speakers that
13 You 've got to have a sharp brain to work out the tactics and you 've got to have a very good technique , so it 's a demanding sport .
14 Well you 've made this study and you 've written a book , Policies for Educational Accountability I think it 's called , which is just recently come out , and I 'm sure that will be a , a very worthwhile contribution , but let me just ask you a personal questions .
15 when you think about it , it 's wrong you 're paying tax on your wages at source and then you go to the shops and you 've got to pay tax on your goods again
16 Er this is my third tape and you 've recorded a whole side !
17 you fill out a little sheet of paper with the , with the names like John A , John B or whatever , so that if there 's another tape and you 've marked John B and they missed a word , or what what the word was and they there 's a chance that they might use it again later on you see .
18 ‘ I looked everywhere and could n't find anyone and we saw the trucks come here and I saw the lights on and I thought the humans were still here and I came in and I heard your voices and you 've got to come because it 's Dorcas ! ’
19 More often than not you get a refund cos of course you have personal allowances for a whole year but you 've not er not er lived a whole year as often as not and therefore there usually spaced over the twelve months and you 've paid a bit too much tax if you 've died in the course of the twelve months .
20 The bill for that arrives every three months and you have to pay fairly quickly .
21 I says , she wanted to go out Saturday and you 'd gone to work .
22 go boom and you 've got little arrows to show you how
23 cos it 's made out of aluminium and you 've got to put the glass in , it 's really expensive I tell you
24 Erm , but I think P , er , budget review , or somebody needs to have a look at it , if you 've got budget review and you 've got people who , most of the people who were on the old working party know the background there anyway , seems as good a place as any to look at it .
25 All you had to do here was to move back a few steps and you 've made it much more interesting in the foreground .
26 it 's R blank R and you 've got A R E T B
27 maybe North of Watford and you 've had it could n't you ?
28 Well that 's a fourteen inch grate , fire a fourteen inch grate but you 've got the gap all round it like so I thought eighteen inch .
29 Oh no , it is nice to have a nice car but you have to make do do n't you ?
30 You did n't grow big cars but you 've grown much bigger flowers than we did . ’
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