Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] i say [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Because I had seen my young brother-in-law and I says I 'm gon na be like that then , did n't fe er feel any of this er at that time .
2 I picked her up by her neck and I said you bitch and she goes when you put your face up close to her she goes and puts her ears back and goes like that to your face .
3 I mean I think it 's the class thing as well really , because I can remember when I was erm leaving school erm and I went to the careers erm teacher for my interview and I said I 'd like to be a journalist and she looked at me and I came from a very poor working class background in Tottenham , and she said ‘ I 'm sure you could be a secretary or a shorthand typist if you really tried ’ .
4 And I looked at Sue and I said you know she 's got twenty jobs erm two cleaning and
5 they wanted me for the whole day of Friday but I said I 'm sorry I can only do you half day if you 're interested , they were , they were desperate .
6 ‘ He said he 'd buy me a Pepsi and I said you said I must n't talk to strangers , and I came away . ’
7 I 've just had this new hoover bought me for Christmas , and he comes home from work and I say it only took me five minutes to do the stairs , and all this sort of thing , because it used to take so long before .
8 The Tories , I resigned on principle when somebody suggested I could join a women 's committee and I said I thought
9 She started telling us how she had a bell which she rang if she needed help and I said I 'd listen out for it .
10 Well he 's got a lot of fishing equipment and I said you 're a keen fisherman then , all walk in
11 He phoned me last night at home and I said you got your message then ?
12 well your mum said to me well I 'll tell you the same as I 've told Con but I said I 'm not against the children or anything the children
13 I I saw Mrs granddad that she 's got a new bike and I said I wish I could go that .
14 I said we 'll try this shop , I said at least have a look and I said we 'll go round to the other 's , I said he made he 's mind up when he walked in , .
15 And I said to them , here I said , her husband I said handles money and I said he knows what he 's on about .
16 I said , of course and I said it would be nice company and so she said er you sit near the window , I 've seen it lots of times before , as I only live in Manchester .
17 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
18 And erm and I made the point that I tipped all your lot out of I said what and I had n't let them go in the classroom and I said it 's a new thing but I said they got their coats on they 're too macho to wear them that 's their problem , you know !
19 Ivy remarked : ‘ Rose Macaulay asked me if I were a good walker and I said I was .
20 She was saying four years four years and I said I 've not had it four years
21 there was a big discussion about the standard report , it wo n't cover five years and I said it does n't have to cover five years , it never has done it 's only covered four cos we what we do in year eleven is different anyway .
22 No , it 's just that Jill was asking the other day and I said I ca n't remember .
23 when Mikie was here and you were doing nights , and he called us one day and I said it 's not six o'clock yet he said you 're
24 Well Miss rang me up about twenty to nine and said could I come in for the day and I said you 've had it for the day though consider the afternoon .
25 I was reading the things and I said it was a bigger upstairs is , are bigger than the downstairs .
26 ‘ I 'm opinionated and people ask me things and I say them . ’
27 I says you 're picking holes , you 're picking holes and I says I 'll tell you what , that declaration of intent is last year 's declaration of intent .
28 I said I 'll go round the back and I said I can get in through that window for ya , I said well I 'll have to force it , what d' ya mean force it ?
29 Well I marked that certain tank and I put it in in a sealed envelope to the police station and I said I do n't know which tank they said whoever 's emptied it has done , but I said , If it happens to be that tank then they are lying .
30 Do you know I calculate , I went on to him other night and I says you 've only nine week
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