Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] for his [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He was paid for that seal and for his unrivalled knowledge .
2 Evidence exists for Jesus 's association with the militant factions and for his own probable military activity .
3 I am grateful to my hon. Friend for his support and for his important observations about the retail industry in his constituency .
4 Eden , saying he had been asked to speak by the Cabinet , said ‘ they would remember him always — for his magnanimity , for his courage at all times and for his unfailing humour , founded in his unrivalled mastery of the English language ’ .
5 From time to time he wriggled them , whether in obedience to some medical instruction or for his own private satisfaction , it was impossible to say .
6 Alford Grammar school also had a hand in the education of Captain John Smith before he went to Louth and Thomas Paine , famous for abolishing slavery in Pennsylvania and for his written works , in particular ‘ The Rights of Man ’ , lived here for several years when he worked at the Excise Office .
7 I am grateful for the hon. Gentleman 's kind personal comment and for his continuing support over many years for the policy of integrated education .
8 The demonstration came as Préval was being rebuked in parliament for the government 's poor economic performance and for his administrative reform programme , which , his critics claimed , lacked clear objectives or a coherent policy for the dismissal and appointment of state employees .
9 I was grateful for that invisible handclasp and for his last remark .
10 Obliged to ask parliament for funds for these expeditions and for his other expenses , the King found that , instead of voting him the customs duties for life , as was normal on the monarch s accession , it attempted to impeach Buckingham for corruption and incompetence .
11 He is responsible for the default of his servant , his wife , his guest or one entering his house with his leave and for his independent contractor .
12 He was an inspired teacher , his lectures notable for their outstanding clarity and for his frequent excursions into the historical background of the techniques he was discussing .
13 Thirty years after his death in 716 , Boniface criticized him for his disregard of the laws of the Church and for his personal immorality and depicted him as struck with madness while feasting with his nobles , so that he died ‘ gibbering with demons and cursing the priests of God ’ .
14 Until 1290 the king taxed his subjects on only two occasions , one of those , in 1283 , through the agency of separate assemblies for his northern subjects ( clerical and lay ) at York and for his southern subjects at Northampton , neither a parliament even by the loosest definition .
15 For leading this raid and for his previous 62 operational sorties , many as Wing leader , Gordon Hampton was awarded the DFC .
16 At local parties he was known not so much for his acting ability but for his great talent as a jazz pianist especially his impression of George Shearing .
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