Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] so [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The bottom five notes or so of the violins can be enriched by adding a bassoon or two in unison .
2 So she waited , pacing about her room and going to the window every other minute to look across the harbour at the carrack which lay at anchor a cable or so from the town landing stage .
3 And unless you make a special effort to do something active on a weekend , then you can add another 16 hours or so to the total , making a grand total of more than 70 hours each week .
4 The hole extended a foot or so above the level of the ceiling , and then ended .
5 It was only by craning his neck to a painful degree that he saw that he was suspended in mid-air , a foot or so above the sea .
6 Dreadnought 's deck was still a foot or so above the tide .
7 When the water has almost filled the hole , to perhaps a foot or so below the top , there is an audible pause in the proceedings .
8 And in the middle of the slanting span , circling upon a radius of about three yards , and light enough to maintain its place a foot or so below the surface , something pale and oval went monotonously round and round .
9 They arranged to meet at half past four at a village a kilometre or so beyond the cemetery .
10 Itching will begin within an hour or so of the invasion , and the vigorous scratching induced may well abort the attack .
11 That meant within an hour or so of the time at which Mary Penrose claimed that Riddle had left her .
12 The experiment involves injecting 2-DG into methylanthranilate-trained and control chicks , waiting half an hour or so for the 2-DG6P to accumulate , killing the chicks , removing and freezing their brains , and subsequently counting the radioactivity present .
13 As soon as school was finished we used to rush back to her house and start on our homework immediately , so as to have an hour or so for the passeggiata before going back for supper and finishing off .
14 Sometimes he wanted to practise , and might well require an hour or so on the putting green , or sometimes he fancied a pint or two of some obscure real ale that he had heard of in the vicinity .
15 High carbohydrate drinks will help refuel your muscles and will come in handy in the hour or so after the race if you are not able to eat anything .
16 An hour or so after the game , Dean had been interviewed for Rugby Special at the Parc des Princes .
17 The evidence for increased transmitter release is strongest for STP , that is from a few seconds to an hour or so after the inductive event .
18 A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry , mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar , and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven .
19 An hour or so in the fridge is generally enough .
20 Marinate for only an hour or so in the same marinade as before or use just olive oil , lemon juice salt and freshly ground black pepper .
21 The afternoon audience steadily declined , built up for an hour or so in the late afternoon and then surrendered to TV , except for another late-night blip .
22 An hour or so in the best of company , the bar is open , and all for £3 — what more can we do ?
23 I used to take a couple of tablets an hour or so before the programme , to make sure there was no spasm during transmission .
24 The final ten minutes or so of the session will be spent discussing what has arisen , how the patient feels about it , and the way future treatment is likely to proceed .
25 I gave you ten minutes or so of the lesson to look at some words .
26 It can take effect immediately , but it usually takes twenty minutes or so for the full effects to be felt .
27 He had paid three pence at the booking office for his ticket and , after waiting ten minutes or so on the cold and draughty platform for the next London-bound train , he had arrived at Christchurch some ten minutes later to run through torrential rain toward the group of cottages which flanked the open park in the town centre .
28 After that , the manager went through the procedure adopted : a telephone call to the reference number cited ; verification of credit card ; verification of driving licence ; verification of home address ( the last three usually completed within ten minutes or so on the International Information Computer ) ; preparation , presentation , and signing of the contract ( including appropriate insurance clauses ) ; then , paperwork now completed , the car brought round to the outer forecourt , with an assistant to give the client a quick run-over of the controls , and to hand over the keys .
29 If teachers and the head are in the playground for five minutes or so before the bell and if parents know that they will be welcome in classrooms for ten minutes or so at the end of both morning and afternoon sessions then good routines will be established and easily maintained .
30 After twenty minutes or so with the list broker you start to see the world as he does .
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