Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] can not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , a plaintiff who receives 'sick pay " equivalent to his ordinary pay has suffered no loss and can not recover damages ( Turner v Ministry of Defence ( 1969 ) 113 SJ 585 ) .
2 Derived from the Greek words phyllon ( leaf ) and xeros ( dry ) , the phylloxera lives only on the vine and can not survive on any other host .
3 The Federal President ( Bundespräsident , currently Kurt Waldheim ) is elected for a six-year term by universal suffrage and can not serve more than two terms of office .
4 PR measures electoral support for indivisible political parties and can not measure support for vaguely defined factions within them .
5 The argument against so doing is that the institutions will wish to disseminate the proceeds of the flotation to their various funds and can not cater for contingent liabilities such as warranty claims .
6 Critics fear the new scheme will remove the last vestiges of strategic planning power : although the new county planning statements will have to cover housebuilding , large industrial and commercial development , and Green Belt issues , they will have no statutory force and can not include detailed land allocations .
7 It has to privatise an entire industry and can not run the risk of the City picking up only the most attractive pieces .
8 In my 25 years of watching international rugby I have seen many incidents of violence and can not think of any country that is blameless .
9 Ordinary analogue telephone lines used for voice communication have a low band width and can not transmit much data per second .
10 The fronting and raising rule in Belfast vernacular is virtually confined to velar environments and can not apply to such words as bad , hand , stab ( which are front in RP ) .
11 B is in trouble since he is in dirty wind and can not tack because C is blocking him .
12 Your tutor may be generous to a fault but can not reward irrelevance or peripheral knowledge display .
13 Henry 's been going through the old ledgers but can not find any sign of a fiddle .
14 Just because dolphins use language in a different way does not mean that they lack high intelligence or can not communicate .
15 I use the reel for most of my float fishing and a lot of bomb/small feeder work and can not fault it .
16 The holder is locked into the old , lower rate of return and can not enjoy the superior returns now available .
17 This is why the final scene , when they look through the kitchen window and can not tell pigs from humans , has such numbing force .
18 I 'm left , according to the glass people , with a damaged windscreen and can not do anything about it .
19 But such a checklist of questions can be a helpful prompt if you are faced with a passage and can not find a place to start .
20 Birds range from the most unspecialized , which regularly take other foods besides fruits and can not subsist on fruit alone , to the most specialized , absolutely reliant on the fruit .
21 Taylor , after the abysmal European championship , again flopped in Spain and can not afford to foul up against Norway , who beat Holland 2-1 on the night Gazza made his comeback against Spurs .
22 She also came to talk to us at a recent training day about what the very elderly can and can not do .
23 The European Environment Agency ( EEA ) , formed in May 1990 , is without a home and can not function .
24 One moment she is here , the next she is thirty years or so ago , and then again , she is a young girl and can not remember who I am .
25 The Bowes Museum , which is celebrating its centenary year , is one of the best museums in Britain it is known as the V and A of the North but can not house the history of its town .
26 The leader may delegate a great deal of work but can not delegate the responsibility for that work .
27 At present , they are entitled to a share in the sale proceeds but can not forestall a sale by staying in the house .
28 He will be hoping his team can perform their annual Houdini act but can not produce the answer as to who will provide the goals .
29 The guardian must continue to perform his other duties but can not give instructions to the child 's solicitor .
30 In many areas , the split is not into a clear cut one of those for and against , but often includes middle groups who are sympathetic to some of the ideas of Liberation Theology but can not go all the way with it .
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