Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 You will find that since Mr Madison 's British visitors left Washington , we have added a number of attractions and have greatly improved the roads .
2 I justify myself on the grounds that I do n't indulge in idle gossip and have never sought to aggrandise myself or to do harm to others .
3 Observers have simply failed to remark the scientific nature of much of the thinking of so-called ‘ primitive ’ peoples and have perhaps overstated the ‘ scientific ’ nature of thinking in their own societies .
4 Young people three , four years out of college and have never had a job .
5 The drama for women , of course , is that we have been encouraged to become dependent and hold others in dependent relationships and have rarely sought to differentiate : womens ' groups can be as tyrannical as any other when they do not allow diversity and disagreement .
6 The chief executives of the three firms have been discussing the plan for five months and have now handed over the task of implementing the grand design to their operating systems managers .
7 The chief executives of the three firms have been discussing the plan for five months and have now handed over the task of implementing the grand design to their operating systems managers .
8 Several Q.T 's have joined us over the months and have greatly enjoyed getting to know the students and working with them .
9 Landowners have bought old farms for use as holiday homes and have then claimed planning permission to house local workers , provide employment and manage the land .
10 Population growth , the need for foreign currency earnings , and foreign aid have , in the past three or four decades , stimulated agricultural development in developing nations and have thus prompted environmental change .
11 Many of these were built before the use of RSJs and have therefore yielded substantial quantities of high grade structural timber such as pitch pine ; possibly even some of the old Archangel white .
12 Leaving aside the famous names , which will inevitably be more costly , great numbers of obscure and humble folk have chosen this friendly and attractive method of identifying their precious books and have thereby secured a small niche in the history of bibliophily .
13 Since then the demand for cotton has grown and after a trial range , they now produce more cotton than wool and have even added fancy cottons to their range .
14 Essex feel geographically rather remote from the Crystal Palace but have kindly offered to organise the 1982 event .
15 He may , for example , have broken into her home or have violently assaulted her before attempting to have sexual intercourse .
16 We began with our partnership companies and have now moved on .
17 It is clear that the Banks are preoccupied with keeping staffing to a minimum ; have no regard for retaining Key Posts and have totally disregarded Relief Staff .
18 Departments are alive , however , to recent developments in language work and have successfully integrated new ideas and procedures into the traditional course structure .
19 One can only hope that we , as the panda 's worst enemy , can somehow right our wrongs and have finally learnt how much we have to lose .
20 They have played their part well in industry And in other directions and have also contributed largely on the National Savings Schemes .
21 We have long sought parliamentary protection against the common law and have already accepted some state interference in our rulebooks .
22 But perhaps someone from Midland can explain how they hope to attract accounts from youngsters in their first jobs who have not passed their driving test and have never had a passport .
23 ‘ Whilst you remain here with us — and let me say here and now that there will be a place here for you for as long as you wish — you will share in the life of the household and have all provided .
24 The medical association of Chile want to ban the sport and have effectively done so by prohibiting doctors from assisting at ringside .
25 I taught on all makes of machine and have also worked in stores and at exhibitions , selling knitting and sewing machines .
26 I have just ‘ inherited ’ a Singer KE1200 Hi-Memory knitting machine and have now found out that it is obsolete .
27 Although there has been no mass exodus of member firms from employer bodies , nevertheless ‘ employers have used their associations more as advisers than negotiators and have increasingly looked after negotiations for themselves ’ ( Brown , 1981 , p. 24 ) .
28 THE Bears suffered their second defeat of the season in Scotland and have now won just one of their opening three Second Division Gold Cup matches .
29 Mr Major and his cabinet are in disarray and have evidently run out of ideas and of steam .
30 An especially important result of the establishment of both the HIDB and the WIIC is that at long last there are professional jobs in the Western Isles for at least some of those who have gone to university on the mainland and have previously had to stay there to work .
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