Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] which is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 How do we know which is for tea and which is n't ?
2 There is a kind of confidence , typified in the prayer to Christ the source of sweet honey-cells of devotion , which is at odds with the stark mood provoked by a revulsion from sin in the whole piece and which is very different from the whole thrust of the short version : The profound realisation of Jesus as a source of grace at the heart of this passage in the long version colours the meditator 's longing for it in the other expanded meditations that open out of this sequence of prayers .
3 This epithelial tropism is likely to be dependent upon the viral upstream regulatory region ( URR ) which drives the expression of the genes encoding the E6 and E7 transforming proteins and which is preferentially active in cells of epidermal origin ( 3 , 4 ) .
4 In many of the analogous medieval fabliaux of a miller and two clerks , the one clerk 's designs upon the daughter are motivated by simple lust , because she is beautiful , and involve her deception too , as she is given , in the dark , what she is told is a gold ring but which is simply an iron ring off an andiron in the fireplace .
5 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
6 In fact , in our view , it would only aggravate the situation even further if such a byelaw was to be adopted , as most people within the district do not know which land is owned by the Council and which is not .
7 Professor G.W. Keeton favoured a periodic judicial abstract restatement of general principles , a practice which , apart from obiter dicta , is not provided for in the English legal system , which is anathema to the judges and which is surely legislative responsibility .
8 Yet oddly , despite the obvious importance of this event , the Committee does not meet again until June 14th , a mere month away from the Opening in July and which is not even discussed .
9 Problems which may arise in any family are those which may be seen as related to the Oedipal situation — the sexual attachment which arises between parent and child and which is not always worked through adequately .
10 In this context we may distinguish ( i ) the impartiality which is part and parcel of making moral or legal-judgments on the basis of formulating universal rules permitting or prohibiting certain types of conduct as distinct from making decisions only about particular persons and particular occasions : the impartiality not just of universalisability but of rules which actually are to be universalised ; ( ii ) the impartiality of being a non-involved person which is particularly relevant to the position of the person who is applying legal or moral rules to particular circumstances and which is directly to do with the characteristics of the judge who according to this standard must have no personal interest in the outcome of the case , but which may also be relevant in the process of legislation since legislators may have particular and personal interests in the outcome of the legislation in question ; ( iii ) there is the idea of impartiality as a norm of moral and judicial reasoning which has to do with giving due consideration to all relevant factors , a practice which may further but is not guaranteed by impartiality of the first two types .
11 I also speak on behalf of the group New Consensus , of which I am chairman and which is both all-party and none .
12 It is a movement he has used many times and which is perhaps seen at its best in the pas de deux to the Meditation from Thai-s created for Anthony Dowell and Antoinette Sibley ; in A Month in the Country when Natalia dances with the Tutor to express her emotions ; and in Les Deux Pigeons in the final pas de deux , when the Young Man has returned to The Girl and tenderly dances with her in his arms ( see page 83 ) .
13 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
14 Thus we fabricate a deeper sense of being red in which an object is red only if it is red in a stable fashion in the perceptual fields of all observers and which is therefore treated as part of the real world which exists independently of us .
15 Soviet Foreign Minister Shevardnadze showed that the USSR had not forgotten the ZOPFAN impulse in informing Sitthi that ‘ there can be no calm or stability in a region in which there exist foreign military bases and which is not protected from the military rivalry of non-regional powers ’ .
16 The panels therefore are a contribution by the guidance staff to a total school philosophy which includes continuous assessment , a school-based certificate in years three and four which covers both the cognitive and affective domains and which is wholly positive in its comments , and mixed-ability teaching in years one and two .
17 By s12 of the Solicitors Act , the Law Society is given discretion to grant or refuse an application for a practising certificate in the following cases : ( 1 ) a first application ; ( 2 ) an application by a solicitor who has never held an unconditional certificate since admission ; ( 3 ) where 12 months or more will have elapsed since a practising certificate was last held ; ( 4 ) after the disciplinary tribunal has ordered a penalty or costs against the applicant or delivered a reprimand ; ( 5 ) after failure by the applicant to offer sufficient explanation for his or her professional conduct after being called upon so to do ; ( 6 ) after failure to deliver an accountant 's report in due time ( and an additional fee will be payable if the discretion is not invoked to refuse the application ) ; ( 7 ) after the expiry of a period of suspension ; ( 8 ) after the name of the applicant who has been struck off is restored to the roll ; ( 9 ) while the applicant is an undischarged bankrupt ; ( 10 ) after the applicant 's discharge from bankruptcy or after the applicant has entered into a composition or deed of arrangement for the benefit of his creditors ; ( 11 ) while the applicant is a patient as defined by s94 of the Mental Health Act 1983 or a person as to whom powers have been exercised under s104 of the Mental Health Act 1959 or s98 of the 1983 Act ; ( 12 ) where the applicant has received a sentence of imprisonment ; ( 13 ) where the applicant has failed to satisfy a money judgment against him or her which is not a judgment limited to costs and which is not a judgment in respect of which indemnity or relief from some other person is available .
18 excludes light and insects but which is not airtight .
19 However , there are other less ambitious examples of the kind of information which the accounts could provide about inputs but which is not provided by cash flow accounting .
20 A significant variance could be defined as one amounting to more than a given percentage of the budget but which is not explained by the general level of prices , i.e. inflation or deflation .
21 This provides a mechanism that buffers skews in adult sex ratio and which is quite distinct from Fisher 's principle and allied mechanisms for the primary sex ratio .
22 Of the greatest player of her day , Jane Austen wrote only that ‘ We were quite satisfied with Mr. Kean , ’ — which may not look so good splashed across the marquee but which is all many of the experts demand : as far as Miss Austen is concerned , he did n't get in the way of the drama .
23 The walls surrounding the courtyard used to protect what was once a fortress but which is now a youth hostel .
24 This is the theory of social evolution which flourished in the nineteenth century from the stimulus of Darwin 's Origin of Species and which is most closely associated with Herbert Spencer .
25 We went out bit like one of these er soap powder adverts which of these two objectives would you alright given the option to , decide that that is a a good training objective and which is n't so good ?
26 Second , is the slow , close in , type of circuit which is much more characteristic of a helicopter and which is more accurately described as a ‘ hovering manoeuvre ’ .
27 Which would in fact join this er western relief road and which is already heavily congested , it 's the main part of one of our presentations to you .
28 Throughout Ireland as a whole , there has generally been an anti-comprehensive ethos in the education system supportive of both class and sectarian divisions in schooling and which is now eroding only in part .
29 It is a crisis of everything which served us in the past but which is no longer tenable today .
30 Much of the difficulty stems from the ethos of individualism which is central to the contemporary Western society but which is notably absent from most of the societies which social anthropologists study .
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