Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] which be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Solvent sniffing usually means getting ‘ high ’ by breathing in the fumes from butane , aerosols , glues or other products found around most people 's houses or which are easily available from shops .
2 After that they had begun to encounter the behavioural problems which had been occurring in Reykjavik and which are so depressingly familiar to us all .
3 The next type of planned town includes those which are reasonably well dated to the tenth to thirteenth centuries and which were clearly new planned urban centres added on to existing villages by their owners as attempts to encourage trade .
4 Aside from his Jamaican paintings , this was the year that Minton produced his London Transport poster as well as the lithograph Apple Orchard , Kent for the second of three series of artists ' prints which J. Lyons & Co. commissioned as wall decorations for their tea shops and which were also made available to the public at 15s 9d each .
5 There is a kind of confidence , typified in the prayer to Christ the source of sweet honey-cells of devotion , which is at odds with the stark mood provoked by a revulsion from sin in the whole piece and which is very different from the whole thrust of the short version : The profound realisation of Jesus as a source of grace at the heart of this passage in the long version colours the meditator 's longing for it in the other expanded meditations that open out of this sequence of prayers .
6 Support of this kind was to enable Leopold to take his two young children on long musical tours throughout their formative years , tours which exposed them to a variety of European cultures and styles and which were consequently to direct the course of Mozart 's development as a musician .
7 This epithelial tropism is likely to be dependent upon the viral upstream regulatory region ( URR ) which drives the expression of the genes encoding the E6 and E7 transforming proteins and which is preferentially active in cells of epidermal origin ( 3 , 4 ) .
8 In many of the analogous medieval fabliaux of a miller and two clerks , the one clerk 's designs upon the daughter are motivated by simple lust , because she is beautiful , and involve her deception too , as she is given , in the dark , what she is told is a gold ring but which is simply an iron ring off an andiron in the fireplace .
9 The second problem is that even if we are able to provide functionality with replacement materials , we have to place them within , and thereby create an interface with , the tissues of the body which are extremely aggressive to any invading agent but which are also exquisitely sensitive to their presence .
10 The next claim which constructivism makes is that centralsystem thinking emerges out of the organism 's interaction with the environment , an interaction that is initially a literal inter- action but which is later carried out internally , at least in the human case .
11 There are , however , certain promises and acts which , for various reasons of policy , are deemed to be of no value in law and which are therefore an insufficient consideration .
12 Looking first at the traces for the insert ( TA ) 10 ( Figures 1a and 2a ) it can be seen that there are nine cleavage products which have a similar intensity to that at the sequence CGC on the 5'-side ( above ) of the insert and which are about twice as strong as that at the AGC site .
13 This is because of the great importance of infant mortality , the weightiest component of life expectancy and general mortality in developing countries , and also because a large body of observations concerning the effects are available not only from developed but also from developing countries and which are much more reliable than data on fetal mortality .
14 With the carriage were displayed the necessaire , and an assortment of items which has originally been retained by von Keller as souvenirs and which were eventually acquired by Madame Tussaud .
15 On Sept. 14-15 India called on the group to focus on those investment measures whose adverse trade effects were direct and significant ; Japan proposed the prohibition of such measures which had trade restrictive and distortive effects and which were either inconsistent with or relevant to GATT provisions .
16 Professor G.W. Keeton favoured a periodic judicial abstract restatement of general principles , a practice which , apart from obiter dicta , is not provided for in the English legal system , which is anathema to the judges and which is surely legislative responsibility .
17 In this context we may distinguish ( i ) the impartiality which is part and parcel of making moral or legal-judgments on the basis of formulating universal rules permitting or prohibiting certain types of conduct as distinct from making decisions only about particular persons and particular occasions : the impartiality not just of universalisability but of rules which actually are to be universalised ; ( ii ) the impartiality of being a non-involved person which is particularly relevant to the position of the person who is applying legal or moral rules to particular circumstances and which is directly to do with the characteristics of the judge who according to this standard must have no personal interest in the outcome of the case , but which may also be relevant in the process of legislation since legislators may have particular and personal interests in the outcome of the legislation in question ; ( iii ) there is the idea of impartiality as a norm of moral and judicial reasoning which has to do with giving due consideration to all relevant factors , a practice which may further but is not guaranteed by impartiality of the first two types .
18 Later it made economic sense to plan for the vehicle to carry things which had been given free in England but which were too heavy for me to manage for the whole way .
19 Furthermore , it is sometimes useful to distinguish between consumption spending ( meaning the actual amount spent on new consumer goods in the current period ) and total consumption ( meaning the ‘ using up ’ of consumer goods — both those purchased in the current period and those purchased in past periods but which are still providing services to the household ) .
20 A supply of seat belts which the owner of Transom Trading had bought for £600 in September from a market trader in good faith and which were subsequently found to be defective .
21 One of these is the methanation reaction which occurs over a nickel metal catalyst and which was originally discovered by Sabatier and Senderens 80 years ago , Although this is widely used to make synthetic natural gas for example , there is even more interest in the production of compounds containing higher numbers of carbon atoms .
22 I also speak on behalf of the group New Consensus , of which I am chairman and which is both all-party and none .
23 Dub reggae had themes dealing with the overthrow of Babylon and which were openly hostile to the white world .
24 It is a movement he has used many times and which is perhaps seen at its best in the pas de deux to the Meditation from Thai-s created for Anthony Dowell and Antoinette Sibley ; in A Month in the Country when Natalia dances with the Tutor to express her emotions ; and in Les Deux Pigeons in the final pas de deux , when the Young Man has returned to The Girl and tenderly dances with her in his arms ( see page 83 ) .
25 They contrast with such attitudes as we are content to leave as our own merely personal inclinations and which are therefore not given the dignity of expression in a statement .
26 I do feel that this is necessary because we are allocating or just allocating our proposed budget er a substantial amount of extra resources through the rights of way which I am thoroughly in favour of but I do think we need to know how that money is going to be used and which of the items which are to appear in the report are going to be covered by that money and which is still going to need to be addressed next year when we have to book in time for it for next year .
27 The inquisition also excludes holdings in Middlesex which he had passed to his younger son in 1271 and the lands he is known to have acquired in Oxfordshire and Cambridgeshire and which are later found in the possession of his family .
28 Thus we fabricate a deeper sense of being red in which an object is red only if it is red in a stable fashion in the perceptual fields of all observers and which is therefore treated as part of the real world which exists independently of us .
29 Parish registers are the best example of records that were first kept during the Tudor era and which are now invaluable sources for the genealogist .
30 There is also a ‘ second generation ’ of plastic cladding materials which have none of these drawbacks and which are also extremely easy to handle and install .
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