Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] had [vb pp] at " in BNC.

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1 On leaving the Ayrshire Yeomanry and asking for a Middle East posting , he had sailed on the Queen Mary around the Cape of Good Hope and had docked at Durban .
2 This was the autumn of 1982 , immediately after the Falklands war , and the public image of the Parachute Regiment was in high profile after its members ' achievements in the South Atlantic ; they had won two Victoria Crosses and had fought at Mount Longdon , Goose Green and Wireless Ridge .
3 Suddenly I was frightened because he had once caught us playing in the churchyard and had shouted at us and chased us out .
4 Sutton-born Geoff Chilvers had been with the Palace as a Junior in the early days of the 2nd World War and had appeared at Selhurst Park in an interesting schoolboy game that was used as an experiment with numbered players , but his extraordinary claim to footballing fame , which will delight fans with a statistical quirk in their nature , is that he made his debut with a League club as a 16-year-old in a match where his side scored double figures .
5 An instant later she recalled the forty-year-old lady , who twenty-five years earlier had stood in the same place and had waved at her father in the same way .
6 Just because I had a bat and had played at school , they assumed I was some kind of expert .
7 Before the fighting started in 1948 , some Palestinians had even arranged to take a holiday in case of hostilities and had called at the Lebanese consulate in Palestine to pick up a visa for Beirut .
8 Several knights came to Ayrshire , one being Walter Fitzallan , whose father had moved from Normandy to England with William the Conqueror and had fought at the Battle of Hastings .
9 If the deceased had led a reasonable life and had died at a good age without too much trouble , leaving a reasonably good family behind him , what was there to be miserable about ?
10 That Cheetah has the name ‘ Bert ’ engraved on it as a permanent memorial to Bert Mason who has worked unstintingly on bringing the Cheetahs back to life and had worked at 42 AS during the war years .
11 Sonia was one of the first of the black running stars and had run at all the major meetings and been on television .
12 That 's where the union headquarters were you know , and because I was a local man and had worked at Cranfield loading trucks at the dockside , I knew , knew a lot of the dock labourers , and they knew me , and I used to know each morning what the strikers were likely to do , where they were gon na hold up Eastern Counties buses and so on I used to know all that , and of course the duty inspectors used to purposely send me along .
13 She had given him no answer but had stared at him and he had come back quickly , saying , ‘ That was a daft thing to say ; you always manage . ’
14 We had driven up a muddy track for ten miles and had arrived at a completely ruined farmhouse with no windows or doors , set into the slope of a mountain , looking over a marshy plain .
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