Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] not be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ This is a subject on which judges need , and should have , expert assistance from a clinical psychologist and not be left to flounder through what may be an ill-informed and perfunctory form of inquisition before the child gives evidence . ’
2 It is arguable , with some hope of success , that we can speak of a choice or a decision as an effect and not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance which was required for it , and speak of an action as an effect and need not be committed to there having been a causal circumstance that was — roughly speaking — prior in time to the agent 's initial neurophysiological activity .
3 5 / Eating and not being eaten
4 Such Arbitrator shall be at liberty to construe this Agreement and deal with differences arising thereunder as an honourable engagement and not be bound by strict rules of law .
5 When considering how demographic change may affect the demand and supply of health care it is important to remember that such changes in demand will affect all the major medical specialisms and not be confined to departments dealing exclusively with older people .
6 We have that many er applications I mean I 've just gone through A division and I 've got er a pile of cards literally an inch thick with people a made an initial inquiry or b they 've been furnished with questionnaires and not been returned , so I 'm sending those er right through the divisions
7 The whole system of things and people which surrounds us coerces us to be conformist ; even if you want to be a social rebel you will still have to go about things in a conventional way if you are to gain recognition and not be rated as insane .
8 Everyone in the profession is aware that some people can be absent from teaching posts and not be missed .
9 As with any other area of living , we need to commit ourselves to a Christian world-view and not be tempted to borrow from secular philosophy .
10 I mean , this lot did come in , only six months ago , announcing that everyone would have to stand on their own feet and not be rescued , and face up to competition , and all that .
11 Aeration is a must , more so in tanks that are 24″ ( 60cm ) deep or more , or there is a risk that gases like carbon dioxide will build up near the bottom and not be expelled from the system .
12 He showed how music could flow through a scene and not be broken up into short numbers which encouraged the audience to applaud each time .
13 It 's about accepting and dealing with responsibility and not being overwhelmed by it .
14 Can you seriously expect , for example , to ruffle a colleague 's hair and not be patted on the backside in return ?
15 Golf clubs can rest assured that our members are of a standard as suggested by their handicap certificate and not being confronted with a ‘ worthless piece of paper . ’
16 Councils will be allowed to appoint non-voting advisers to committees who must have relevant expertise or experience and not be disqualified from council membership — except in the case of teachers on education or library committees .
17 The odd bit of woodland , neatly railed and labelled and no wolves allowed , and Dogs Must Be Kept on a Lead and Not Be Permitted to Foul the Footpath Penalty £50 and Quite Right Too .
18 Employers should be free to recruit the most suitable workers and not be restricted from doing so by legislation or regulation . ’
19 In addition to the rhetoric of law and order , they want action in terms of policing which will enable people to leave their homes in the evening and not be curtailed by fear of violent crime .
20 No-one can have shown Americans round cities such as London , Brighton or Bristol and not been subjected to gasps of horror when they see the depredation wrought on them by ill-sited high buildings and demolished streets .
21 By partaking in the demonstration and tacitly accepting its results , the purchaser has bought the product and not been sold it .
22 ‘ One person , ’ he said , looking up , ‘ bought both poisons in that jar about a week ago , as well as a rare odourless potion which can stop the heart but not be traced . ’
23 Whether he becomes King or not is looking more and more like an academic question .
24 pupils should keep options open for post-16 education and not be denied opportunities at later stages ;
25 In the present situation , the officers find themselves in a very difficult position , I can not imagine an officer saying no to a member and this is what has happened if we run out of money , then the very thing that we are seeking to do , in other words to implement the democratic process to allow people to come to meetings and speak will go by the way , and I can remember some time ago when I was a new member on here saying I would be prepared to attend property sub-committee briefings as a deputy and not be paid and I was very smartly brought up by a friend in the labour group who said that 's all right for you , you can afford it , but it 's not alright for some of us 'cause we can't. and the difficulty is if we run out of money and we either have to stop the allowances or we have to slash the allowances , yeah , knows who it was , we have to slash the allowances , then legitimately people will be able to say that the democratic process is being stifled because they are not going to be allowed to go to meetings , and therefore , I think that situations whereby a member attends to speak to a , an item , a specific item and then stays on for a double length meetings and claims double length allowances that sort of thing has got to be stopped , and also members attending just to nod approval at something that has happened that they 've been associated with , that should stop , if they want to come they should come at their own expense .
26 Can we please have our walking space back and not be restricted to ‘ pavement space ’ imposed on us by the stalls ?
27 Providing he retains control ( which he has so far succeeded in doing ) , he can play the media and not be affected by the media 's idiosyncrasy .
28 On the part of the buyer this includes getting to know complex names and not being intimidated by them .
29 The state should plan the growth of the economy and not be constrained by artificial financial pressures .
30 These are discussed in turn below , but the objective of risk management should be clarified first : it should contribute to the business objectives and not be allowed to become an end in itself .
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