Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] he [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 He said : ‘ You see Hunter-Blair at parties or he rings you up when he wants his name in your column . ’
2 When I left school I would n't go on with me dad at first , I said I wanted to play football and me dad did n't want me to play football and he said you ca n't do a milkround and play football .
3 Doctor Penny but he said you may not always get her , you probably get or
4 a mate of mine actually worked out in Russia and he said you know , piece of discussions about when , where the Russian 's sort of appear first and this sort of he said he said erm , this , he said that , that kids running around on the streets of Moscow is actually given a working permit and so he could actual work there and sort of like er
5 He claimed that he was sick of this ‘ Steffi is Great ’ attitude and he accused you of showing favour towards Steffi .
6 He was my guv'nor in Tottenham and he said you were all right . ’
7 Ask why John does n't use traditional Fenders and he tells you he does n't want to be limited in how he plays : ‘ Like , an A has to be played there , a G there and so on .
8 Let's imagine somebody wonders in to John Major one day and he says you know , I 've a bit of a problem John .
9 So re I explained about father and he said you know , we must get together .
10 I , I , er I used to have an inspector when I was on traffic and he says you take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves .
11 processing and he said you know that 'd be fine to do so
12 a book that 's lasting them a term and they start getting trouble and he gets you know messed about
13 For instance , if one of your customers is in financial trouble and he owes you money which is due in 20 days , you are much better off than if the debt does not fall due for 100 days .
14 Sure Ji he came in looking for Jim one morning and Jim was n't there , says he 's in bed so listen I said do you wan na go up and waken him like fuck Jim says when Acky woke me I said what you mean he give you a kiss and he woke you up .
15 what he does he , he if he 's walking his dog and he sees you and he passes you he 's got to bust you .
16 You look like a sexy woman and he treated you like one .
17 When you go to a banker for a loan and he asks you what security you can offer , you may think that banks exist to lend on good security .
18 And he said well my father is doing today I ca n't do today I 'll do it Friday and I shouted down the stairs but he owes you a day you should n't be going in .
19 Mr Harwood constructs a neat cat 's cradle of ironies and he keeps you guessing until almost the last minute about how the fraternal conflict is going to resolve itself .
20 One word and he blows you away .
21 He 's in the army and he gets you know , polish and these shoes
22 Oh mostly that really , supposedly going to America in February the sixth and the doctor , she said to the doctor what 's the matter and he said you 're really , really run down then he said to her what I suggest you do is to go and buy some cartons of fresh orange juice , a jar of honey and some natural live yoghurt and she 's ate it all , now she 's got diarrhoea ca n't win can ya ?
23 strict , straight to the point , the work went on the blackboard , you were given so long to do it , close your book and if you did n't do it you never saw the teacher , but you felt his cane on your knuckles and he knew you were n't doing your work , so you did it .
24 ‘ No matter what he is now , Mr Gillis treated me badly at school and he treated you even worse .
25 he said you are by the number of payments you is n't paid he said you have n't paid for almost a year but he said you have n't money .
26 You put him on bedside table and he inspire you .
27 Preferably by retaining the two-thirds majority , but at least ensuring as my Noble Friend Lord has suggested , a clear majority and I myself will go on reiterating the principle , enunciated by Professor in the er and also much commended by some elements in the Conservative Party and he said you can not have real effective democracy without real effective local self government , and he said that in the light of his experiences in pre-war Germany .
28 all last week , comes the fucking nice weather and he puts you in the loft .
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