Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] with [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In another experiment , by Semler , females were allowed to choose between mating with a normal red-bellied male or with a male of the ordinary non-breeding stickleback green colour .
2 2 FREE Air Miles with every 25 litres of Shell Advanced Fuels or with every litre of Shell Oil .
3 They do not fit in readily with any contemporary ideology or with the manifesto of any established political party .
4 Look every time we 've done it that 's what we also do it goes out on the manager 's report w with the minutes or with the agenda .
5 Schools threatened with closure or with the loss of their sixth forms are among the most likely to seriously consider opting out , and the Grammar School Association expects about one-third of the remaining 150 grammar schools to opt out .
6 That the original tenant 's obligation to make the deposit is " bound up " with his obligation to perform the tenant 's covenants in the lease is undeniable , but the former is , of course , a once-for-all contractual obligation between the original parties as regards which no question of transfer with the term or with the reversion can arise .
7 All the small mouldings were shaped by an overhead router either against a fence or with a pin ( for the so-called great arch ) .
8 The next step was to call for volunteers to act as foster parents , either at their own expense or with the help of a small grant .
9 Students living in the University residences are required to register with a local medical practitioner or with the University Physician , and to report the name of the doctor to the Accommodation Officer .
10 The confrontation was due to the ambiguity in Poland 's Constitution about whether supreme responsibility for security lay with the President or with the Cabinet .
11 Leeds , in the middle of a big metropolis and with an unemployment rate below the national average , can now justifiably day-dream of challenging its western neighbour , Manchester , for the title ‘ commercial capital of the north ’ .
12 It is these , unaltered apart from changes to the covers and with the approval of Wainwright 's widow , Betty , that Michael Joseph has republished this week .
13 Some women would want to link this with the consolidation of black consciousness and with the reclassification of lesbianism as a political and sexual choice rather than a congenital affliction .
14 This is the most satisfying of all the manoeuvres since with enough speed and with the daggerboard retracted the board is turned like a surfboard or ski by weighting the inside edge .
15 Our base for the weekend is the comfortable Golf View Hotel at Nairn , delightfully situated on the sheltered shores of the Moray Firth and with a 4-star AA rating and Egon Ronay recommendation .
16 ‘ I am Sir Alexander Seton of that Ilk , Governor of this town and port , and the cannon are fired on my command and with the authority of King David 's Regent . ’
17 Romany King , runner-up in last season 's National , has plenty of pace over shorter trips and with the benefit of a reappearance run at Kempton is difficult to oppose .
18 ‘ I feel we have a strong base for an ongoing quality improvement programme and with the commitment of all at Precision , positive results should be seen during the next 12 months . ’
19 With research in mind and with the aid of a fellowship , in 1940 , Williams had taken a journey to the Caribbean where he visited Cuba , Haiti , Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic .
20 With these highly significant aircraft and with a track record of only ten years from on site to ‘ crowned ’ TMAM 's new aircraft hall is indeed a ‘ high speed hangar ’ .
21 To Annie 's delight , he climbed up on to her knee , put his thumb in his mouth and with a sigh , snuggled down and fell asleep .
22 In common with other opposition parties and with the support of church leaders , FORD called for a boycott of registration unless an independent electoral commission was established to replace that appointed by the government of President Daniel Arap Moi .
23 In a series of talks in New York on June 18-23 the UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali and representatives of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council met separately with the President of Cyprus Georgios Vassiliou and with the president of the self-proclaimed Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus , Rauf Denktash .
24 John McIlwraith , Balig , Ayr , chairman of the BSS UK , says the Beltex is the terminal sire that can deliver the right type of lamb at the right weight and with a conformation that is accepted in Europe as second to none .
25 The established system may let the Conservatives into office with less than half the popular vote , but it also invites the prospect of a future Labour Government elected to office on perhaps 32 per cent of the vote and with the support of less than a quarter of the electorate as a whole .
26 But it was all done on a light rein and with the minimum of paperwork .
27 Some of the larger issuers have simultaneous ECP and SCP programmes , being easily able to switch between the two markets in order to take advantage of perceived arbitrage opportunities and with the ECP programme providing a " benchmark " interest rate for the SCP programme .
28 It is almost as if what the ego is subjected to by the superego in clinical depression is what the state does to the individual in totalitarian states , namely , it punishes the self with renunciation of instinctual drives , with reduced self-esteem and with a curtailment of its competence and freedom of activity .
29 She had also said she would not be lonely and dull , but I knew she was ; far from shops and with no companionship but mine .
30 Odd-Knut lifts his snow hook out of the snow and with a swish is gone .
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