Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] that they had " in BNC.

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1 Darci Alves confessed to sole responsibility , in what was seen as an attempt to get his father acquitted , but a key prosecution witness , Genesio Ferreira da Silva , 15 , a former employee and relative of the Alves family , stated that he had overheard both of them plotting the murder and that they had celebrated its successful execution with a barbecue .
2 According to second-hand reports of the conversation Krishchaty said that the body was lying on the ground at about 8,250m and that they had passed it two or three times .
3 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
4 He managed to detain her long enough for them to tether the horses , because there would be no sense in coming out of the Workshops ( with , or without the prisoner ) and finding that the horses had turned their heads for Tara and that they had to walk the rest of the way to the Fire Court .
5 For this reason when the head teacher eventually excluded John permanently from school because of his behaviour the EP accepted that the school were acting reasonably in the circumstances and that they had made every effort with John .
6 But they were undoubtedly a constructive way of bringing labour and capital together to resolve their problems peacefully in an atmosphere of mutual recognition and compromise.For this reason , given that employers and governments were willing to accept that trade unions had a function and that they had come to stay , they appeared to the Labour Department of the Board of Trade as its functions developed in the early years of the twentieth century , to be especially useful in dealing with some of the conflicts between labour and capital in which it increasingly became involved .
7 There , gazing out from the balconies and look-out points , they imagined they were on board frigates and corvettes and that they had cannons and decks .
8 The judge went on to say that they had notices of committal and that they had removed themselves from the jurisdiction .
9 Coming to the fifth question on the agenda — how can the development agencies contribute to the employment prospects of West Belfast residents both inside and outside of the area ? — one contributor said that he had spoken to marketing people from the IDB and that they had no interest in West Belfast .
10 They told me that they came from the country near Lagrimone and that they had obtained permission to come to pray in the Santuario for their cousin who was fighting in Russia .
11 A number of people were granted exemption on the grounds either that they were too poor to pay taxes and rates or that they had a certificate signed by the minister and parish officers to the effect that their premises were worth not more than 1 per annum or that their personal property was worth less than £10 per annum ; however , no exemption was allowed anyone possessing more than two hearths .
12 I was reminded of the Brecht poem in which the politicians decide that they can not trust the people and that they had better elect a new one .
13 He concluded that not only had the respondents agreed negatively not to sell other petrol but that they had agreed positively to keep their garage open for the sale of the appellant 's petrol at all reasonable hours throughout the period of the tie .
14 The two newslines were the fact that the band all possessed degrees or that they had chosen George Beat ( v. old footballer , as they would say ) .
15 He said that the magazine was in good health and that they had not even had to obtain a ‘ medical opinion ’ on the subject ( it was of course supported partly by a subsidy from Lady Rothermere ) , but that he would look into the Radcliffe Camera question .
16 People would believe that it was unnecessary to dispute the matter and that they had received an additional benefit for the injury that had been forced upon them .
17 ’ The committee heard evidence from Stemp and from Worcestershire and were satisfied that he had not knowingly taken amphetamines and that they had been administered to him without his knowledge , approval or authority .
18 He looked around and saw a great many faces all wearing the same expression , an expression stating that they were never going to be surprised by anything in history and that they had already had every thought that was ever going to be in his head .
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