Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] that it had " in BNC.

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1 The project was approved at ministerial level because it had been decided that the contract either did not significantly enhance Iraq 's military capability or that it had been signed before December , 1984 .
2 The Church throughout the world received orders and instructions which it obeyed willingly enough , though sometimes it regretted that there were no arrangements for dialogue and that it had not been invited to collaborate ; the result was that unity had to be lived out in passive acceptance rather than celebrated in fraternity ( Pensiamo al Concilio 9 ; see Hebblethwaite , 1984 , p. 409 ) .
3 Wilkins also told magistrates that he had n't deliberately tipped his drink over the bar but that it had been an accident .
4 The parish priest of Brackenstown , Swords , County Dublin , distributed a newsletter at all masses on Ascension Thursday , 22 May — though before he had read Archbishop MacNamara 's guidelines on how to conduct the campaign — claiming that no-fault divorce was first introduced by Nazi Germany and that it had since wreaked ‘ more havoc on the Allied countries than any German army or air force ever did ’ ( Irish Times , 28 June 1986 ) .
5 But we were told recently by a delegation from the french Senate , studying British methods of scrutiny of Community legislation , that they had great difficulty in obtaining copies of Commission legislative proposals and that it had been necessary for them to establish an office in Brussels to ensure a reliable supply .
6 There was no 1940 general election and by 1945 the voters remembered both that the Labour Party had shared responsibility for winning the war and that it had opposed the Conservative policies which led to the war .
7 Is the Leader of the House aware that the seventh report of the Public Accounts Committee on the privatisation of Harland and Wolff was not available to Members in the House until late yesterday evening and that it had been made available to others some time previously ?
8 I explained how it was that as a child I had been told I was an eidetiker but that it had meant nothing to me .
9 ‘ We realised that the whole psychology of collecting is a fascinating area and that it had a lot more potential … hence the reason for the Festival .
10 Of one thing she was convinced , however , and that was that she had actually regressed to a previous life and that it had not simply been the work of her imagination .
11 The president claimed that only defensive weapons had been supplied to Iran and that it had all been legal .
12 The main thrust of all the writings was to show that Bonapartism was for France the natural system of government and that it had been so since the Revolution .
13 The opposition leader Hugh Gaitskell pressed the point and eventually , on 14 May , Eden was forced to admit that an underwater spying operation had been carried out against the Russian ships by Crabb but that it had been done without official approval .
14 We reckoned that the British Army was the most professional in the world and that it had been influential in training the South African and Israeli armies who we thought took second and third place .
15 Bulgaria , which had recognized Macedonia in January [ see pp. 38703 ; 38734 ] , amended its position in February by stating that full diplomatic relations would be established only if the republic officially declared that there was no Macedonian minority in Bulgaria and that it had no territorial claims on Bulgaria .
16 In addition , Lord Meston submits that the court also had ‘ rights of custody ’ in the context of the Convention , because it had made orders in the course of the cross-motions before it which indicated that it was seized of the matter and that it had not determined either the father 's or the mother 's substantive applications and had adjourned the hearing of the mother 's substantive application for custody and for leave to remove the child from the jurisdiction until a date in August .
17 Writing to Brook about the Palestine Committee , a survivor from the Coalition , he said that its nominal chairman was Herbert Morrison but that it had ceased to function , its work having shifted to the Middle East Ministerial Committee under Ernest Bevin .
18 The Oil Ministry announced on March 6 that damage assessment was under way and that it had embarked on a large-scale rehabilitation effort to restore buildings , pipelines and damaged reservoirs .
19 It was only some years later that Jacques learned of the Board 's initiatives and that it had failed because members of the county council had been deeply suspicious of the radicalism associated with liberal adult education in the industrial areas of the county .
20 Overall , it could by the end of the transitional phase claim that it had changed the basis of economic competition by removing many restrictive practices and that it had eased some of the pain of economic decline by its policies towards those aging coal and steel plants that were coming to the end of a useful life .
21 What was striking was that the women artists were reshaping an inherited iconographic language and that it had become theirs to stake out as their own : the language of the body .
22 The advocates of " Unity " argued , however , that a considerable change had come over the Communist Party and that it had given up its " social fascist " accusations .
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