Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] that [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 Given the fact that another property developer , and star of the bull market of the Nineties Mountleigh , had gone into receivership and that administrators have been appointed to the Canary Wharf project it could rank as one of the understatements of the 1992 financial year .
2 The relatively unchanging conditions of forest life ( i.e. K conditions ) suggest that the adult population is near the food limit at all times and that adults have difficulty in rearing young ; they therefore need to collaborate in pairs .
3 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
4 The test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
5 Following the case of Sofi v Prudential and the 1989 I O B Report the test now is whether the degree of carelessness amounted to gross or blatant negligence , recognising the practicalities of everyday life and that risks have to be undertaken .
6 The Parish Council would welcome your assurance that this was a one-off incident and that steps have now been taken to prevent any recurrence .
7 Thus one often encounters the claim that a large number of Quakers ( and other dissenters ) contributed significantly to eighteenth- and nineteenth-century physical science and that Jews have been preeminent in mathematics , physics , and psychiatry in the twentieth century .
8 The absolutist view is that this would not be a sufficient appreciation of the matter and that corporations have a separate liability to tax .
9 The National Council for Civil Liberties ( Liberty ) believes that it is unacceptable that we have no legal right to privacy in this country and that individuals have to look to Europe — waiting many years for a result — for protection against arbitrary interference with this right .
10 Subsequently the council 's own officers told the inquiry that a pedestrian had been killed on Hollyhurst Road because he could n't find a safe place to cross , that ambulances struggle to get down Hollyhurst Road in emergencies , that residents cars are blocked in their drives and that buses have to drop off in the middle of the road .
11 The Retirement Care Group , a company which specialises in managing retirement schemes , estimates that more than 4,000 sheltered properties are on the market and that builders have cut their original forecast of 12,000 units built this year back to about 8,000 as a result .
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