Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] that [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He promised that the resistance would not lay down its arms until the last Soviet soldier had left Afghanistan and that if a deal was made over their heads the guerrillas would continue fighting even if foreign help were withdrawn .
2 The case indicates that the type of benefit which was provided from the property user was the fact that the taxpayer could live there without paying rent and that if the accommodation had not been provided he would have been obliged to hire a house elsewhere and pay rent for the same .
3 Certainly with regard to the accusations of the officers , he should have told the jury that such accusations , particularly those not supported by evidence , did not amount to evidence in the case and that where a defendant declined to reply the net result of the questions and answers was nil .
4 Should there be a difference between the case where the demand comes from the seamen and that where the master takes the initiative with a generous offer ?
5 I then said I was a friend of Sir Randolph Routh and that if the agent was not immediately taken in charge for assault , I should send in the strongest adverse report on his conduct of this entire vile business .
6 Where specific adhesions are involved the the , the structures that are , are most commonly associated with a , require a specific receptor for the adhesion reaction to take place and that if the potential host does n't have specific receptor they 're not susceptible to that particular strain of organisms .
7 Hering realized that disease was the result of imbalance somewhere in the body and that if a true cure was to be effected , the imbalance had to be corrected .
8 Remember that a writ can be issued by fax in an emergency ( RSCOrder 6 , r 7 ) , that the day of the accident does not count for limitation purposes , that if the limitation expires on a Sunday you can issue on the Monday and that if the plaintiff is deceased , limitation runs from the date of death .
9 There is much evidence to show that personnel management could be improved within the service and that unless the right managerial attitudes prevail , no amount of policies or procedures will compensate .
10 Yet the western demo- cracies held to their policy that there could be no intervention in Spanish internal affairs and that if the Spanish people wanted to be rid of Franco , they must achieve this by their own efforts alone .
11 He should be told that the specimen of breath which he has given containing the lower proportion of alcohol exceeds the statutory limit but does not exceed 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath ; that in these circumstances he is entitled to claim to have this specimen replaced by a specimen of blood or urine if he wishes ; but that , if he does so , it will be for the constable to decide whether the replacement specimen is to be of blood or urine and that if the constable requires a specimen of blood it will be taken by a doctor unless the doctor considers that there are medical reasons for not taking blood , when urine may be given instead .
12 It is known that the prevalence increases with age and that while the incidence in children is lower than that in adults , intrafamilial clustering has been shown .
13 Legend has it that he used to angle in the Adige river and that when the waters flooded , many years after his death , they were stopped from breaching the walls of his church by prayers to his memory .
14 But note that you must use fittings and valves which comply with the water byelaws and that if the cold supply is connected up to a washing machine from the rising main , this will be at mains pressure while the hot supply ( if there is one ) will be at a lower pressure .
15 12–7– They dealt with " Mary Trotter who before joining the Free Church has been guilty of antenuptial fornication and that while a communicant . "
16 People have been talking to him about sickness and that if an office has erm people that are off sick a lot more than another office they 're at a disadvantage .
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