Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Marian spent much of her time either in the Union Building or in the Department 's Library in their house in the Orchards .
2 If you need to book a special interview room in your own building or in an hotel make sure it is done well in advance and before you inform the candidates of the arrangements .
3 The actress was assessed under what is now TA 1988 , s673 because she had retained an interest in the income of the settlement or in the property comprised in the settlement .
4 But it is unlikely to happen at the hustings or in the run up to the election .
5 The task of ordering the Church 's worship is too awesome to be left to chance , either in the hope that the person responsible for it will pick up the necessary skills or in the belief that it can be done by anyone .
6 Now only a single motif could be seen , worn openly on chest or collar , on hems or in the form of jewellery , on pendants about the neck or emblazoned on a ring or brooch : the double-helix of heredity .
7 The promise to waive may be embodied in an express contract or in a contract implied by the conduct of the parties .
8 Perhaps that will be a thought for people who foolishly keep money under the mattress or in a jam jar .
9 where 's the beef ? so , so I 'm dubious about this in terms of quality of nutrition , in terms of choice being offered and I think we need to look a lot more closely at this before we jump into agreement , change or in the system .
10 Ionomers : synthetic polymers containing ionisable groups , either covalently bound to polymer chains or in the polymer matrix .
11 But , unless some of the coins had mortar still adhering to them , it would be more correct to assume that they were lost either during the demolition or in the occupation which followed .
12 Granted that fluctuations in employment may result from fluctuations in the real wage rate around its permanent , normal value which may , in turn , give scope for intertemporal speculative behaviour in the supply of labour ; granted that these fluctuations may be caused by the confusion surrounding fluctuations in the general price level or in the rate of inflation .
13 That was er a flat in Plumtree , we were offered a flat on the first floor and when we examined the kitchen it was extremely obvious to me that our gas cooker would n't fit in the , the place where it was designed to fit , when I asked where do we put the washing machine I was informed that most tenants kept the washing machine on the balcony , when I said well where do we put the refrigerator , well most people keep the refrigerator either in the hall or , or rather not a hall it was a passageway , in the passageway or in the living room , now it does seem to me with hindsight that if that 's planning I , to use an old fashion London phrase , I 'm a Dutchman .
14 He said clients keen to move into Britain have had deals ‘ in the pipeline ’ but were delaying them out of concern about a Labour government 's competition policies or in the hope of further interest rate cuts .
15 We asked respondents whether they had been stopped ( on foot or in a vehicle ) or had their house searched in the last year , and whether they had been arrested in the last five years ( called here , ‘ stopped , etc . ’ )
16 She was a woman of fine physical strength , ready to go out on foot or in a canoe when called for .
17 Normally it went about its business either on foot or in an arabeah , the horse-drawn cab distinctive to the city .
18 A lot of the problems we meet up with in the surgery are related to difficulties people have in their lives at present or in the past .
19 At most , the prosecution witness is obliged to testify that there was a person present or in the vicinity who was likely to have been subjected to the sensations described .
20 It is usual today therefore to provide a number of general electronic interfaces to which a range of transput devices can be attached , and a set of general instructions which can be used to control any transput device available at present or in the future , from the computer manufacturer or elsewhere .
21 There are other meals to be had that lie deeper beneath bark or in the wood itself .
22 The job is made easier if the bending machine is mounted on its own stand or in a vice and if some light oil is used on the formers .
23 The high seroprevalence of toxoplasma IgG among women born in Ireland compared with British born women may reflect differences in the consumption of undercooked meat or unpasteurised milk or in the use of freezers over the past 30–40 years .
24 And if the discovery radicalised its parties , not least the Conservatives , and left Britain without a genuinely conservative party in parliament or in the country , that odd effect of the demise of socialism passed almost unnoticed in an age eager to recover and proclaim the competitive principle .
25 Even today some Victorian houses in Earls Barton have a former ‘ shop ’ behind the kitchen or in a backyard ; other cottagers worked in their living rooms .
26 Well it must either go in the kitchen or in the cupboard somewhere , but you know ?
27 I like to think that one can make provision to eat almost anywhere in the home , just as one should be able to move small tables about to different parts of the garden It is obviously nice to be able to eat in the kitchen or in the living room .
28 Health is another , whether in the form of workplace hazards that pose broader dangers or in the form of struggles to defend the health service .
29 This together with their long continuance in flower , has justly render 'd them the most valuable of all the sorts of flowering shrubs … the great Variety of different Sorts of Roses make a collection of Flowers , either for Basons or in the Garden , without any other additional mixture and their Scent , being the most inoffensive Sweet , is generally esteemed .
30 Telephone numbers can be kept separately , on a card index or in a contact book .
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