Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 It looks just like smalltown America — the kind of place where you could set Twin Peaks or Back To The Future 4 — but it 's bigger .
2 It looks just like smalltown America — the kind of place where you could set Twin Peaks or Back To The Future 4 — but it 's bigger .
3 Wander down to the Etangs d'Ixelles or over to the Square Marie-Louise to admire the lush art-nouveau mansions built from fortunes amassed in the steamy Belgian Congo .
4 If Iran , weary and broke after its war with Iraq , has waved goodbye to its proselytising days , this is a valid reason for easing it out of its isolation and back to the position in Gulf politics which , from the shah on , it has craved and which reflects the size of its population and length of its coastline .
5 Through the Sound of Grunay , ever threading through a procession of rock islets and on to the northernmost island of Unst , where we tied up for the night at the little pier in Baltasound .
6 Red card and back to the subs ' bench for Jim .
7 He kept rolling , still hanging on to his weapons , and fell over the front of the Jeep and on to the pavement outside .
8 Since the causal chain passes through perception and on to the rest of the nervous system , perhaps triggering action , it must become physical again .
9 Afterwards , the actor was swept from the courtroom and along the corridors , closely pursued by screaming fans and on to the court steps , where he said in a prepared statement : ‘ This has not been a case about homosexuality and I resent any suggestion that it was .
10 We can take our students beyond that stage of technical feedback and on to the levels of self-enlightenment and self-emancipation , through encouraging ever-wider and higher levels of self-criticism .
11 Though the journey from Godolphin 's house in Primrose Hill to the Tabula Rasa 's Tower was short , and Dowd got him up to Highgate on the dot of six , Oscar suggested they drive down through Crouch End then up through Muswell Hill and back to the Tower , so that they 'd arrive ten minutes late .
12 Quinn was forced into the back seat and down to the floor , then covered with a blanket .
13 I felt a strange sensation in my stomach as I made my way down the sloping gangway and on to the tarmac , If I had felt like this on the morning of the 6th June , Lord Lovat would probably been going ashore without his bagpipe music .
14 Concerned at the way neither she nor her friends wore ‘ Laura Ashley ’ clothes ( too many frills , too much lace , all up to the neck and down to the ankles , they said ) Laura asked them to come up with suggestions for the sort of outfits they would like to wear .
15 The oil is getting into the wheel bearings and forcing grease past the oil seal and on to the brake shoes .
16 From here I walked on to Men Scryfa , an iron age monument and on to the Nine Maidens prehistoric stone circle .
17 A piece of smokeless fuel fell out of the grate and on to the hearth .
18 Steadying himself , he made his way over the roof and on to the parapet that ran along the side of the building .
19 A fast trip through central London whisked them past the main tourist attractions and out to the suburbs to the International Training College where they were to stay .
20 That brought him within a mile or two of Stoke St Gregory , down the steep incline and on to the Levels , where a family of Titfords had once made their home as long ago as the end of the 16th century .
21 She struggled to free herself , and rolled out of the car and on to the ground .
22 One by one we clambered out of the boat and on to the slippery rocks of an inlet .
23 Meanwhile , speculation continues that the Greek collector is looking for more aircraft for his collection and is working hard to return one of his Shacks to airworthy condition and back to the UK !
24 Luxuriating in the warm midmorning sun on her shoulders , she walked under the lattice archway and on to the bottom end of the garden .
25 There did n't seem to be anything interesting there , but I remembered the lesson of the day before , when I had stopped to sniff the air and everything had seemed fine , then ten minutes later I was wrestling with a kamikaze rabbit , so I trotted down off the side of the dune and down to the line of debris thrown up by the sea .
26 The catamaran shook its bows against the swell , then she was through the wind and on to the other tack with the sails drawing sweetly .
27 In the second bay starting from the western end , northern side and up to the gangway , was H. Webb 's black gang , so called because everything they dealt with was black in colour .
28 Good views can be had over the loch and over to the Merrick , at 2,770′ the highest peak in the Southern Uplands .
29 He walked on past the house to the steps and down to the shore .
30 Dentdale is superb walking country : the high ridge walks along Rise Hill and Barbon Fell are amongst the best in the Dales , while lower down , the Dales Way long-distance path follows the river for much of its length into Sedbergh , and some of the wooded gills like Flinter Gill , which arc a typical feature of Dentdale , have footpaths along them leading on to the fells or on to the old packhorse routes .
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