Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [v-ing] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In 1904 he wrote to the poet and critic Arthur Symons : ‘ I have , however , of late years , lapsed so deeply into my early weakness for verse , & have found the condensed expression that it affords so much more consonant to my natural way of thinking & feeling that I have almost forgotten the prose effusions for the time . ’
2 His mind filled with primitive lore and with a sense of awkwardness at the numerous exhausting social roles he had to play in addition to that of the London banker , Eliot wrote to Mary Hutchinson in 1920 worrying about his inherited characteristics and suggesting that he might be a savage himself .
3 He examines why certain individuals can not easily accept the ways of thinking and behaving that their social milieu thrusts upon them .
4 Anxious to get news of this latest development back to their own offices and realising that there was unlikely to be any more to be gleaned from this unpleasant vigil , the remaining newspeople departed as the small convoy of police traffic vanished into the maw of the blizzard .
5 There seems to be no doubt that an increasing number of people are using homoeopathic remedies to treat their animals and finding that they produce good result .
6 She 's always nervously brushing the hair out of her eyes and saying that she ca n't come out with Howard because she has to go and see a client .
7 England came away from Australia shaking their heads and saying that it was impossible to defend against those moves .
8 She had been so busy with her dress house in Rome , coping with her designer , planning for the future and ensuring that everyone in the business was kept happy — each of which seemed a full-time job in itself — that she had hardly had time to spare for her three children , let alone her mother .
9 While the national coach sat upstairs in a Glasgow hotel fretting over the pressure that media attention can bring on young players , Ferguson 's agent , Denis Roache , sat downstairs in the foyer no doubt planning the next stage of his client 's future and acknowledging that there is , given the the player 's performance against Germany , no such thing as bad publicity .
10 The apothecary 's rose grows at Provins in France and has the property that it keeps its perfume even when the petals have been dried and powdered , thus making it of great use to add to medicinal compounds and ensuring that they are pleasant and soothing .
11 The other two had evidently been in hospital longer than I had , and they were like children let out of school , peering through the unblacked-out part of the window at the bright lights in the shops and rejoicing that they would be home for Christmas .
12 The government issued statements , before and after the April arrests , criticizing the activities of DP members in northern Uganda and suggesting that they were helping to perpetuate the insurgency , although no evidence of this was presented .
13 ‘ When we were waiting to be questioned by the police , Doug Wilson was saying that Rodney had been making a play for Angy and hinting that he might have got somewhere . ’
14 UP leaders immediately demanded the resignation of the Interior Minister Carlos Lemos Simmons , accusing him of ultimate responsibility for the crime and claiming that he had encouraged right-wing death squads to murder UP leaders .
15 People were cursing the Greenhouse Effect and swearing that it had put paid to surf in Hawaii for all time .
16 Squaring her shoulders and remembering that what lay ahead was , after all , a job interview , she followed Dr Russell up the long flight of steps at the front of the house and through a wooden latticework door on to a cool veranda where outdoor furniture splashed with warm tropical colours was invitingly arranged .
17 It 's increasingly difficult for the voluntary sector to make provision of this kind , to offer those opportunities without proper partnership with the state , so I do n't actually accept if you 're posing an alternative and saying that it 's either or , I do n't think that 's correct .
18 The tough slaughterman viewing the small , unimpressive figure and deciding that he was n't going to be put out of his routine by some ragged farm man .
19 The new , independent Her Majesty 's inspectorate will have the duty of giving a little lion stamp to those inspectors and ensuring that they are up to the mark .
20 On Dec. 18 the UN Security Council unanimously approved Resolution 799 condemning the Israeli action and demanding that it be rescinded , but the Israeli Cabinet , meeting on Dec. 20 , reaffirmed its decision .
21 Ronald Duncan , whom I came to know about this time ( our first meeting took place when I made a bicycle tour of Cornwall in the summer of 1947 ) , spoke of having received a telegram from Eliot cancelling an engagement and saying that he had to ‘ bury a woman ’ .
22 The chairman will contact the youth leader to support his action but requesting that he be kept informed on such matters .
23 No more scrabbling for notepads or realising that you 've left your diary on your secretary 's desk .
24 It 's worth stepping back a little and considering your own personality before drawing up a birth plan or vowing that you will never have an epidural whatever the circumstances .
25 In fact , I would argue that not only does it do this , but that it goes much further , indicting all men in complicity for rape and insisting that they share the guilt .
26 It so happened that the very train that ended Mr Cubbage 's life was carrying the delayed mail and in one of the mail bags was a letter from Coleen agreeing to Mr Cubbage 's proposal of marriage and saying that she was coming home to her lover .
27 Something — he was n't sure just what — which had caused the entire north to rise like yeast in sudden and furious ferment , the whole of industrial Lancashire and Yorkshire seething with militant men and women — highly militant , those women — on the march , carrying banners and loaves of bread on the end of sticks , singing hymns and psalms and chanting that it was no longer a matter of wages .
28 ‘ Fenella and I would set out a day later , ’ he said , looking at Fenella and thinking that she was rather a nice sort of companion to be having on a journey .
29 It taught me a lesson about drinking and driving that I 'll never forget . ’
30 As we walked to the restaurant I felt miserable , foreseeing argument and dissent and wishing that I possessed the charm and the experienced polish to ease the tension between these people .
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