Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv] as [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A strong wind chased the rain over their heads and away as they approached , and the trees tossing beside the walls made the outline of the huge house appear to tremble , as if it might roll over and crush all the homes of the people who depended on it .
2 Ushering her inside , he walked into his study and just as he was about to close the door she remembered she had n't settled up with him .
3 So they got him settled in the bottom of the boat and just as they were putting this tarpaulin over him , and getting ready to set off , the one man He heard the one man saying to the other , he says , Right , forty miles a wee stroke of the oars .
4 for one pound and unfortunately as he the option of the contract and on a number of occasions question whether he should exercise the option .
5 That OR play a team like Aston Villa home or away as they try and win whatever … so you always get open games .
6 I have seen at long last that I need to be free of my beloved mistress and even as I write that word it is hollow for how can I love one who no longer has the least regard for me ?
7 Yeah he got trapped in a car park and he could n't get out for ages and ages and then as he got out he crashed into another car .
8 She gave him a rather languid finger wave and just as she disappeared under the wing float , he then realised she was only wearing a black sporran .
9 It will need renewing every seven years or so as it is not long-lived .
10 By the end of Elizabeth 's reign , the pope was regarded by an increasingly patriotic English people not only as the Antichrist but also as their sworn national enemy , a view that was deeply embedded in , and reinforced by , John Foxe 's highly popular Acts and Monuments , better known as the Book of Martyrs .
11 We must approach observations of linguistic behaviour with the same careful attitude as we approach other kinds of behaviour or indeed as we approach our electrophysiological observations .
12 It 's probably best not to feed your fish for the first day or so as they settle in ( though some fish will feed within a few minutes of being stocked ) .
13 They have since left and had families and now as I am retiring they are all back .
14 It is 2 ½ years since he lost in a world title match to Michael Spinks and just as he did after a similar fight , with Larry Holmes , he brooded for a long time , finally overcame problems with drugs , and went into business , part of which was as a fight promoter .
15 It is 2 ½ years since he lost in a world title match to Michael Spinks and just as he did after a similar fight , with Larry Holmes , he brooded for a long time , finally overcame problems with drugs , and went into business , part of which was as a fight promoter .
16 The critics went on praising these qualities but even as they did so they began to have quite serious reservations .
17 Lamond was talking to some people and then as he was leaving he came by me and said , ‘ But , you know , it was n't all as beautiful as you might imagine ! ’
18 Now one can make judgments about means and indeed as I was saying in my last lecture , the actual capability of the weapons you have can only really be found out when you use them and then you can see , very often , that they are in fact ineffective .
19 Now one can make judgments about means and indeed as I was saying in my last lecture , the actual capability of the weapons you have can only really be found out when you use them and then you can see , very often , that they are in fact ineffective .
20 Try saying big glass as you would say big game and then as you would say big deal .
21 The scene was set for a movie genius but what was important for the history of the movies was that the genius who emerged to push the medium and the industry into a new era was a self-educated romantic whose values and ideas had not been provided by any distinctive intellectual tradition or urban political party but rather had emerged first out of his Southern , rural , Methodist past and then as he had drifted through a rapidly changing America .
22 I finished the song and only as I left the stage did I realise I had wet myself with fear .
23 He planned to dress up as each bride in turn and also as their murderer .
24 Every organism continues to grow till it has reached its peak and then as its growth stops , deterioration sets in .
25 He sued to love the sun and it seemed to give him life but now as they drag his limp body into the sun they realise that nothing will wake him , not even the sun .
26 This is both for the purposes of common courtesy but also as it may have an important bearing on the way he discharges his own continuing professional responsibilities .
27 Her cries of ‘ Look , that 's my mum , ’ are greeted by a stunned silence and then as one the phlegmatic Londoners rise from their seats and … rush from the compartment !
28 I put the branch two-handed over my right shoulder as I run up to them , jump over a small bush and then as I land at their side bring the branch swinging down .
29 And whilst you 've heard comment from Mr last week about the County Surveyor 's view that the capacity of the radials really outside the City and also as they enter the City , the key impact within the City of York is on the inner ring road , because all the traffic tends to end up there .
30 At first I get on best with the Highland laddies , matching them dram for dram and can for can , taking their cigarettes and suffering their remarks on the lines of ‘ No I still smoke ’ when I offer them my Silk Cuts but gradually as we get drunker I start to feel uncomfortable with their attitude to the travellers and even more so to women , and Howie , the guy I met last night , talks about how he used to slap the wife around and now the bitch is in one of these fucking women 's refuges and if he ever finds her he 'll fucking kick seven kinds of shit out of her .
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