Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv] [vb base] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Otherwise one might make a statistical correction or even hope that its effect is small , i.e. discrimination might be good enough even when light is lost due to blocking .
2 Unfortunately , the consumers themselves and some of the organisations which represent them have fallen into the trap of confusing short-term expediencies with long-term solutions and now find that this focus on concessions may have actually distorted the argument for a decent income in later life .
3 These bodies insist that their members work to the highest standards set out in the relevant Codes of Practice and strongly recommend that their surveyors are qualified by becoming a Certified Timber Infestation Surveyor ( CTIS ) and Certificated Remedial Damp-proofing Surveyor ( CRDS ) .
4 On my way out , I encountered a dignified , round-faced tinker grandmother , a big lady in a shawl and long dress that swept the ground .
5 2 , We accepted the democratic decision of the NEC and also believe that such debates should take place in the legitimate bodies of the party .
6 As a member of each of the above mentioned groups ( SHACE , SCFE and the group from the Western Division which ‘ fleshed out ’ catering related modules ) , I fully appreciate that they provide an excellent national and local framework for developing meaningful programmes of study but also realise that the membership consists solely of college staff .
7 These next few pages are the reactions of one who went to the Centre , came away evangelical and kept saying to himself , ‘ All shipshape and Bristol fashion ’ , only to fall from the crest into the deepest trough , but thankfully to climb up again to a sensible plateau and finally discover that he had been fortified in more ways than he had expected .
8 Nor is it enough to give them details of exercise and sport and then assume that they will simply become more active .
9 I undertand that the British Transport Police yesterday found the receipt and now confirm that the ink is black — the receipt had a reference number written on it , 092 , the one issued to Mr. Brand for this journey and known only by InterCity staff .
10 Is my right hon. Friend aware that the measures introduced yesterday by our right hon. Friend the Chancellor , the harmonious industrial relations restored by the Government and the substantial investment from home and overseas mean that manufacturing in the heart of England is deeply grateful for all that the Government have done in the past 13 years ?
11 What proportion of asylum seekers come into this country on visitors ' permits and then decide that they are in fear of persecution just as their permits come to an end ?
12 You only have to look back over what 's er happened over the last few years in terms of for example O S Two , Microsoft Windows , a variety of Unix , and you 'll see that technologies will come along and however sound a decision you make at one point in time the market circumstances and potentially mean that what was right for you then not the right .
13 While the earliest sources give no clue to the date of Molla Fenari 's appointment to the Muftilik but simply state that he was Mufti , later Turkish tradition has asserted that the Muftilik was created in the time of Murad II ; and as it is almost universally held that Molla Fenari was the first Mufti , his appointment , if the tradition is to be believed , must have occurred after 824/1421 , the year of Murad II 's accession .
14 There is , of course , nothing wrong with trying to look your best , but for the born-again Weldon to refuse to see anyone unless she spent half the day in the hairdressers and then proclaim that she 's only doing it to further her career ( oh , please ) smacks of hypocrisy of the very highest order .
15 Meanwhile , while Reece and Cool feel that on balance they are not , Anthony , Dearden and Bedford ( 1984 , p. 362 ) continue to insist that their experience tells them that they are , and Hayes and Garvin ( 1982 ) obviously agree .
16 Where there are several similar teams meeting separately for identical purposes publish the comparative costs of the respective meetings and again insist that these are halved
17 Some debris still remains and I should be grateful if you would arrange for its immediate removal and also ensure that they same thing does not happen when the embankment on Station Lane is tidied .
18 Trained volunteer subjects who have experienced the stimuli many times and therefore know that no harm will come to them , can give reliable measures of the strength of the stimulus in terms of the strength of their pain perception .
19 ‘ But you would n't want to pay one gang and then find that they 'd sold your father to another , would you ? ’
20 However , I shall desist from following that course and merely state that the co-ordinated package of works in the Bill will make King 's Cross a first-class interchange between international trains and inter-city services from the east midlands , the north and Scotland , as well as to and from Thameslink and London Underground services .
21 The court can disregard any injury or damage and still find that he was in charge of the vehicle .
22 Now I think that approach to health care is fundamentally wrong , because you measure the needs of a patient in one moment and then suggest that the needs of that , that the needs of that patient will continue to be the same in subsequent weeks or subsequent months .
23 We apologise to the doctor concerned for the distress caused by publication of his photograph with the Lifestyle article and fully accept that we were mistaken in publishing it in connection with counselling services .
24 ask each committee or team that meets regularly to calculate its running costs and then insist that these are halved .
25 One might labour for years and then discover that one 's thoughts simply concealed some devilish machine . ’
26 Four people , having served their community , have been confined for some seven years and now find that their right of appeal is being hindered by some legal technicality or misinterpretation of the law .
27 Since we shall have to be content with inexact knowledge we will not insist that our electron is to be found at a definite point but simply require that it is localised within an interval of space of length Ax .
28 I AM a fan and an observer of dogs and before the avalanche descends on me I must shout that , like Chris Joyce , our US Editor , I am well aware of the case against dogs but also know that the relationship is to human advantage rather than the other way round .
29 Letters and I are enemies but never think that I forget you or the others .
30 Our data would support this hypothesis but also suggest that bile does not act as a simple genotoxic carcinogen for , although the intragastric bile concentrations found after truncal vagotomy were higher than those found after highly selective vagotomy ( Fig 3 ) , there was no correlation between bile concentrations and DNA adduct levels ( Fig 4 ) .
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