Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [adv] [vb pp] as " in BNC.

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1 Heads with wiglike hair are frequent in various eastern arts and surely served as a model , but the Greek geometry is entirely absent from them .
2 It was not until March 29 , five days after polling , that Peacock conceded defeat and immediately resigned as leader of the Liberal Party .
3 Taylor made it clear that he is not happy with Platt , scorer of England 's last five goals and widely regarded as the manager 's favourite footballing son .
4 Prohibitions of such appeals in the thirteenth century had often cited for their authority a papal indult of 1231 in which Gregory IX had conceded that the magnates and barons of England should not be summoned in litigation beyond the sea , a privilege subsequently generalized to all the king 's English subjects and soon known as the privilege of England .
5 Mr Askew , born in Crook , was a retired police superintendent and also worked as a consultant at ICI .
6 When he first took up the post in September 1943 one of his students was the fourteen-year-old Robert Hunt , then doing a junior art scholarship and familiarly known as Bobby .
7 It is the Sodom of our century , destroyed for her sins and then left as a stern reminder .
8 Cases range from the severely handicapped person who may be physically helpless and incapable of coherent speech , to the highly acceptable , responsible person , earning a living , looking after themselves , obtaining considerable enjoyment from life and from relationships but generally regarded as not very bright .
9 This could be a disadvantage but sometimes served as a motivator .
10 The largest mill complex in Blockley is the next downstream , originally called Westmacotts Mill and now known as Blockley Court .
11 What seems to have happened is that the distinction , drawn perhaps from one of the few classical instances ( of Ulpian or Papinian ) , was seized on by epi-classical law and later adopted as a post-classical touchstone .
12 Jayhawk and Defiant were the first , both entered in the January trials and then retired as the newer America and Kanza were flown in from their builders in Rhode Island .
13 By contrast an east-west trending zone of compression to the north-east of Los Angeles has led to the formation of a transverse orogen , comprising the San Gabriel and San Bernardino Mountains and collectively known as the Transverse Ranges .
14 What is disconcerting is that Peters , well-known for his fondness for overstatement but highly valued as the co-author of In Search Of Excellence , is describing a future where the characteristics and skills displayed by men are not only worthless but may even be harmful .
15 Erm you need to be really on top of indices particularly negative indices and particularly negative fractional indices and usually expressed as a decimal because when you 're looking at circuits and stuff like that , you 'll get the erm you know , the answer will be given in this sort of form .
16 In this form it is brush applied to cold surfaces and therefore marketed as a cold oven cleaner .
17 Shiseido has increased the proportion of the moisturising ingredient hyaluronic acid in the Matte Red Lipstick to give a velvety texture , and the three-sided Black Variations Shadow Liner is as soft as charcoal so that it can be blended all over the eyelid or gently smudged as a liner .
18 Paul Hopkinson was born on June 29 1906 , the son of a former professor of archaeology who became a clergyman and eventually retired as Archdeacon of West Morland .
19 The ‘ it ’ which he speaks of suppressing is the Oxford Group Movement formed by Frank Buchman and later known as Moral Rearmament .
20 But when this and fines imposed on others as well as those firms involved in the Folding-Carton industry conspiracy are calculated against the gross revenues and then standardized as a fine imposed on a person earning $15,000 annually , it is clear that they are relatively minuscule .
21 One explanation of how random entoptic discharges and after-images are constructed into fully developed perceptions — the Perceptual Release Theory — was first proposed by the neurologist John Hughlings Jackson and later developed as a general theory to account for hallucinations and dreams .
22 It can be manipulated in the imagination and then used as a new model with which to compare other structures .
23 He stuck this out for three years and finally qualified as an electrician in his own right .
24 At best Gordievsky was tolerated by the authorities but still regarded as a traitor and untrustworthy .
25 Ignatius of Loyal er or er , more properly known to me in church history was the scourge of the wrath of the , of the council of reformation and inside of consumism but I think regards some years ago in on Ignatius spirituality of bibles which I 'm delighted to see John has mentioned in his prologue for the er for his introduction to Holywell the the the association 's there came to discover who Saint Ignatius er , helping to sort of tap greater spiritual depths and er resources and consequently trained as spiritual director er in Ignatian things .
26 George Eliot too is not without sympathy for the picturesque , and admits that ‘ the stray hovel , its old , old thatch full of mossy hills and valleys with wondrous modulations of light and shadow ’ , is an element of joy in landscape to her midland-bred soul ; yet her attack on the picturesque view of the decaying farm , owned by Mr Brooke and ironically known as ‘ Freeman 's End ’ , shows her to be substantially in sympathy with Dorothea .
27 However , music chosen from a composer 's total output and specially arranged as a score for a three-act ballet with a story has rarely been completely successful .
28 There was never a time in Sir Hector Laing 's life when it ever occurred to him to work for any other company than the family business , originally called McVitie $ Price and now known as United Biscuits .
29 The Fish ensured that Charlie was in the news and firmly established as a Face .
30 In all these cases , the scats were concentrated in small groups on prominent features and evidently used as territorial markers .
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