Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pers pn] [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 You 're right Eileen it , you could have really bad luck and have all four children with P K U or you could have really good luck and none of them have P K U , or you could have half and half , that 's just an example , with each successive pregnancy you stand a one in four chance , those are all the possibilities , but like throwing the dice it comes up at random .
2 No you do n't , no you share it out first and then you see if you need to do the legs or we can have the legs , the legs on , on butties or
3 They need to raise £20,000 or they 'll have to close and that will be a huge blow for the parents .
4 It may have unlimited funds or it may have very tight ones ; most fall somewhere in between so you have to think creatively about raising the additional finance to do the job properly .
5 Chris had to hold on to the grab handle of the jeep or she would have been flung out .
6 Jim may have known the assailant or he may have entered the house either quietly or under a pretence
7 I want no more fighting or I might have to fight what shall I do with you ?
8 You can have liver and bacon or you can have , a piece of bacon and egg pie .
9 Then take out the tacking stitches and remove the card and you should have a really spectacular garment , the envy of all your friends .
10 If you were , it 's no big deal and you could have a perfectly happy life with the right partner .
11 ‘ The ideal thing would have been for them to keep to their offer of a two-year deal and I would have signed it before the final .
12 And er I think i we thought from that well why not set up a women 's support group and er see what the reaction was really from from the women you know and an I and we said in that lodge meeting will you ask everybody all the women that you know that er are involved , the friends the girlfriends and wives , to come along the next Tuesday and we 'd have a meeting of our own .
13 This is Tuesday and it would have been appropriate for him to have raised this matter then .
14 I 've seen th this fella came down and he was selling pianos and er he went down this particular terrace and he must have sold seven , eight , or nine or ten on , on both sides .
15 The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble over a non-existent obstacle , there was a blackness before her eyes and she would have fallen but for his lightning reactions and the strong hand that grasped her elbow , supporting her .
16 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
17 ‘ Oh , that , ’ said William , as if it had completely slipped his mind and he 'd have been quite happy talking about Satan and Hell and related matters for the rest of the afternoon .
18 All the facts of the case will be fresh in his mind and he will have just heard the mitigation of counsel .
19 But in a more important sense he would be wrong , for there is no such person as he had in mind and I would have been there all the time .
20 It says now we 're going to set up your printer drivers and you 'll have WordPerfect going , and it goes
21 ‘ Be your own lawyer and you 'll have a fool for a client ’ , is an adage that calls for another : ‘ Employ a lawyer and he 'll have a pauper for a client ’ — Sunday Times .
22 ‘ Be your own lawyer and you 'll have a fool for a client ’ , is an adage that calls for another : ‘ Employ a lawyer and he 'll have a pauper for a client ’ — Sunday Times .
23 Mm and it used to be all around her mouth and she used to have a bit here sort of one of those old ladies who had whiskers on her chin and it 'd be all white .
24 Right , let me have a look at this first before , you pour a cup of tea and I 'll have a look at this form
25 ‘ Burrows will be out for at least three months with detached , possibly torn knee ligaments and he may have cartilige damage as well .
26 This is ambition and I 'll have none of it ! ’
27 They should have penetrated his disguise and they should have alerted the Royal guards and the Fiana and every sorcerer in the Palace so that he could be driven out .
28 He could have dived for pearls and she could have painted .
29 I 'm very impressed indeed by the Oxford Preservation Trust study and I would have a
30 Those of you who are taking shorthand units will be doing a lot of listening practice and you will have plenty of opportunities to improve your skills .
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