Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] would have " in BNC.

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1 Chris had to hold on to the grab handle of the jeep or she would have been flung out .
2 ‘ The ideal thing would have been for them to keep to their offer of a two-year deal and I would have signed it before the final .
3 This is Tuesday and it would have been appropriate for him to have raised this matter then .
4 The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble over a non-existent obstacle , there was a blackness before her eyes and she would have fallen but for his lightning reactions and the strong hand that grasped her elbow , supporting her .
5 As we talked , I felt that if I had pressed him he would have loaned it to me anyway , but the Land Rover was necessary for the research programme and it would have been irresponsible to put John 's work at risk .
6 But in a more important sense he would be wrong , for there is no such person as he had in mind and I would have been there all the time .
7 I 'm very impressed indeed by the Oxford Preservation Trust study and I would have a
8 It was an idyllic setting and she would have loved to linger , just drinking in the peace and beauty , but there were too many pressing tasks to be dealt with .
9 He used to call here sometimes in spring and we would have the utmost difficulty in keeping his seraglio out of the house .
10 It was an expression that still gave him pleasure and he would have used it to describe his own limited grasp of the subject , but it would have been wasted on the sparrow-sized man across the big desk from him .
11 Now we we and the Conservatives in in the past have been in favour of a decision and a positive action and we would have seen it through .
12 What is taxable is the benefit to the employee and one would have expected the quantum of that benefit to be assessed by reference to the value of the benefit to the employee .
13 At this point Francis must have had about 20 seconds to live , a few more steps and he would have reached the other end which , for him , was the threshold of death .
14 She said another member of the family would have been able to help after the theft but it would have caused more inconvenience .
15 Barthes 's was a very modern mind but he would have liked the idea of being one day accepted into this tiny pantheon of local literary notables .
16 Grateful thanks are due to the following , without whom I could have written this piece but it would have been rubbish
17 She was dressed simply enough in a brown gown with a lacy ruff round the neck but she would have outshone any queen .
18 We could have done this without the Support Force but it would have taken longer to do . ’
19 Luckily , our man 's name began with a B or I would have been there all night . ’
20 These criteria do not imply that other longer term influences are not at work and we would have to accept that some of these influences are historical , in that they are inherent to probable ‘ weak ’ parenting skills from John 's earliest life .
21 He set up home with his wife Kerry at RAF Lyneham and they would have celebrated their second wedding anniversary later this month .
22 That fine piece of legislation would have long since passed into law and we would have had lots of time to spend on Opposition days , motions of censure and other matters on which we could spend our time much more effectively .
23 BECAUSE DUDLEY MOORE never seems to stop talking , you get the feeling that you could ask him about anything under the sun and he would have one of his long and winding answers all ready for us to vaguely follow .
24 ‘ It was a disgusting and inexcusable act and I would have expected the sentence to reflect this , ’ said Gosport MP Peter Viggers .
25 He even ran up some fake City of Westminster chestnut licences and it would have been a laugh but he tried to charge for them .
26 There was nothing furtive in his attitude and he would have been quite unashamed if anyone had caught him .
27 ‘ The whole town pretended to be scandalised , but if the boot had been on the other foot — if Sidney , or anybody else for that matter , had done the same thing to Riddle — they would have had a good laugh and it would have been looked upon as good business . ’
28 Well , in a way it was n't dangerous I 'd say , it was a very worked plan and it would have worked if the letter had got there , so I know it was going to work and I would not say it was dangerous .
29 One error and he would have been torn loose and hurled overboard to be smothered by the driving spray .
30 Also , he had kept her waiting at the Old Mitre and she would have preferred him to say everything then , or telephone now , rather than trail after her .
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