Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] is only " in BNC.

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1 Judge Kenneth Richardson told him : ‘ You have been convicted of a shocking murder and it is only by sheer luck that it was not two . ’
2 This has been the case with many traditional British companies and it is only now that they are really being exposed to greater change .
3 These older boards still sail perfectly well in lighter winds and it is only when you start improving to stronger wind conditions that the difference becomes apparent .
4 At high speed , the Alpine feels rock steady which suggests careful attention to aerodynamic tuning and it is only at lower speeds , over give-and-take roads , that the price of the rear engine layout has to be paid with momentary vagueness in the steering when the car crests a brow .
5 Thus although possibly it may amount to a transfer of value it could not amount to a chargeable transfer and it is only upon chargeable transfers that inheritance tax is payable .
6 The prolonged oesophageal acid exposure seen in patients with hiatus hernia is because of reduced acid clearance but it is only seen in patients with lower oesophageal sphincter deficiency .
7 ‘ In future there will be no access through these gardens but it is only two swims and the rest of the canal can be accessed via other routes .
8 There is a wonderful opportunity for a limited number of ( loud and enthusiastic ) Amnesty members and supporters to be part of the audiences for The Big Three-O and there is only one catch — you have to wear a fancy dress costume reflecting the fashions of either the 60s , 70s or 80s .
9 However , using any form of medication should be a last resort and it is only in the last four or five years that I have used herbal remedies ( for eighteen years before that I used no treatments ) as a lot of minor problems will heal themselves , provided that the tank is healthy and the water quality is good .
10 This does not mean that all pensioners live in poverty , but the effect of age discrimination is to depress the whole of this group 's income and it is only those with access to higher incomes through , for example , substantial occupational pensions , who are able to cushion themselves against the economic consequences .
11 If you can manage a visit of two to three days ( or even just one day ) it is well worth it — the modern boat takes 1½ hours and it is only a matter of minutes in the small jet aircraft .
12 All these matters were basically concerned with the maintenance of acceptable standards of safety and it is only fair to acknowledge the fact that the high standard of safety in public transport aircraft today results to a large extent from work done by ICAO .
13 However the subscription has not gone up for 2 years and it is only a 15p per week rise .
14 Literature on the use of traditional Chinese medicine has existed in China for over 4000 years but it is only in recent times that western scientists have been alerted to its hidden potential .
15 Through the year , the retail sales force have regular regional sales meetings but their is only one national sales conference .
16 The Torts ( Interference with Goods ) Act 1977 has made some simplification by abolishing one head of liability but it is only a piecemeal attempt to deal with certain deficiencies in the common law and is in no way a code governing interference with goods .
17 Reports are always subjected to much criticism and it is only by writing in unexceptionable language for a specific readership that clear meanings are preserved .
18 However , the policy of equal treatment is now firmly on the agenda and it is only a matter of time before men and women will be entitled to their State pension at the same age .
19 If you walk into a room full of strangers and there is only one person in that room whom you know , you will immediately see and recognise that person , however many people are in the room , because here is something which interests you — your human oasis in a desert of unfamiliar faces .
20 The pound is losing its value because of the collapsing British economy and there is only one party , and one man , to blame for that :
21 But the " theatricality " of the play works beneath the purely formal level : Lord Claverton has always acted a role and it is only at the end of his life that he allows his true human self to emerge , although
22 Some additional information has emerged but , unfortunately , mouse chromosomes have not responded well to the high resolution techniques developed for human chromosomes and it is only recently that a higher resolution idiogram has been published ( 14 ) .
23 Most of science is built up on good solid craftsmanship and it is only rarely that the occasional blinding flash of world-shattering importance ever really occurs .
24 In the meantime , the UK is now the third largest producer of beef and veal in the EEC , though its production of about a million tonnes is only half of that of France and it is only seventh in the table of per capita consumption at 22.3kg per annum .
25 Friendship as well as marriage is a two-way affair and it is only when both parties have the opportunity to share problems , experiences and ideas and to give as well as take , that the relationship is a success .
26 Like the formal approach to organisations , such charts give us a picture of how an organisation works but it is only a partial picture and misses out on the crucial aspect of how people behave within organisations .
27 After the frantic design years of the early 1980s board design has now settled down to a fairly stable format and it is only construction techniques that are still changing slightly .
28 A star of the chess world at just ten Jay Stockham is already a star in the world of junior British chess and he is only ten .
29 Deer stalking takes place in the autumn and it is only fair to keep off areas when casual walking could spoil someone 's expensive sport — and where we run the risk of a high velocity bullet through our skulls .
30 The exact interpretation is not simple , however , since the previous mandatory scale referred to minimum fees and there is only limited evidence relating to the level of mark-up which existed above these .
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