Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] is to " in BNC.

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1 Whatever measures are derived from a structured task , we are still likely to be left wondering how they relate to the language the child uses in everyday settings and it is to a consideration of procedures for sampling naturalistic language production that we now turn .
2 Many would look to a professional perspective to balance these developments in the interests of the clients and it is to an examination of this perspective that the chapter now turns .
3 It is this idea of social solidarity that provided Leon Duguit with the basis of his theory of law and it is to his work that we now turn .
4 The majority of applicants qualify for sickness and disability benefit and it is to be expected that the proportion of manual workers receiving such benefits is higher than their corresponding proportion in the general population .
5 The present provisions were introduced by Part IV of the Companies Act 1989 which inserted a new Part XII into the 1985 Act and it is to the 1989 interpolations that reference will be made throughout this chapter .
6 The runs have captured the imagination of the enthusiasts and it is to be hoped that British Rail will allow these trains to run in 1992 .
7 Its name is PMMLIB.GIMMSPOLYDAT and it is to be opened on unit 12 .
8 AT&T Co says it plans to begin selling its first personal communicator in its phone centre stores this June — but the things are not likely exactly to walk off the shelves , because they will cost between $2,000 and $3,000 : the Hobbit-powered device will incorporate cellular phone , paging abilities , facsimile functions , electronic mail and messaging services and pen-based computing , and it derives from the company 's alliances with EO Inc and General Magic Corp and it is to be built by Eo .
9 Because of the increasing use of complex machinery and sophisticated farming methods , many of those engaged in agriculture require managerial and supervisory skills and it is to this area of provision that the agricultural colleges should be turning in the next few years .
10 But when such circumstances do arise , questions with respect to the appropriate procedure to be followed in requiring drivers to provide specimens of blood or urine have given rise to some difficulties in the courts and it is to the resolution of those questions that this appeal is directed .
11 The Regulations are presently the responsibility of Building Control Officers within local authorities and it is to them that you should apply if you want to do any work which might be affected by the Regulations .
12 Nevertheless , as this report proves , a whole panoply of activity has been taking place on behalf of the membership and it is to the credit of our staff that we ended such a difficult year with a small surplus when other professional institutes regrettably hard large deficits .
13 As I am satisfied that the judge applied an incorrect test to the foster mother 's application , and was also deprived of material necessary for the proper exercise of his discretion , it follows that we are free to exercise our own discretion and it is to that question that I now turn .
14 Whether in the case of deconcentration ( where parliamentary control is immediate ) or in that of devolution ( where it is mediate ) Parliament remains the central institution of the constitution of the United Kingdom and it is to this that we now turn .
15 They are not well off , but they are not on the breadline and it is to our credit that we have a structure that supports people when they are between jobs .
16 As a result he has here resolved many conundrums about Ferrier 's professional career , and where possible answered queries about recording dates — though even he can not clear up discrepancies about what appears in Ferrier 's diaries on recording dates and what is to be found in Decca 's schedules of the time .
17 As a first example , suppose we test the effect of some treatment , X , on pairs of identical twins , randomly allocating which is to receive X and which is to be the control .
18 And this is the model , the pattern , which must be seen to run through theology : it is in this fashion that the relation between God and ourselves is to be seen .
19 This has seriously weakened the therapeutic and remedial potential of supervision orders and it is to be hoped that greater priority will be given to this area in the next few years .
20 At the church , note the direction of route which proceeds down between the two lakes and then keeps half left towards a barn and which is to left of and below distant tower of Preston Capes church .
21 The church is part of a wider society and it is to society 's attitudes that we now turn .
22 When you have worked through the sensations , looked at them from all angles and asked yourself why they have entered your life and what is to be gained from them , it is important to be able to let them go .
23 However , some people do strive after alternative ways of organizing ‘ family ’ life and it is to a brief examination of these that we now turn .
24 If the DUP 's criticisms of ‘ gangsterism ’ have made it unpopular with some sections of the working-class Protestant population , its view on the sabbath and alcohol consumption have further widened the divisions and it is to this sort of issue which I now want to turn .
25 Some failures are due to ischaemia , sepsis , and fistulas in the arly period after operation and it is to be hoped that these complications will become less with further experience .
26 She changed my entire perspective of the infection and it is to her , I believe , that I owe my current good health .
27 The majority of investment expenditure is on fixed capital formation rather than inventories and it is to this that we now turn .
28 First is to Finland and it is to Penti P E N T I , and it reads as follows dear Penti , at the moment I am looking for information on the cost for officially trialing grasses and clovers in your country , stop .
29 This comment was later confirmed by Flying Scotsman Services and it is to be hoped that the long awaited 8F event will be sanctioned .
30 This may best be done in terms of the LEA 's stated intentions and it is to this purpose that the results of this survey will now be reviewed .
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