Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] say you " in BNC.

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1 When I left school I would n't go on with me dad at first , I said I wanted to play football and me dad did n't want me to play football and he said you ca n't do a milkround and play football .
2 I picked her up by her neck and I said you bitch and she goes when you put your face up close to her she goes and puts her ears back and goes like that to your face .
3 And I looked at Sue and I said you know she 's got twenty jobs erm two cleaning and
4 Doctor Penny but he said you may not always get her , you probably get or
5 ‘ He said he 'd buy me a Pepsi and I said you said I must n't talk to strangers , and I came away . ’
6 a mate of mine actually worked out in Russia and he said you know , piece of discussions about when , where the Russian 's sort of appear first and this sort of he said he said erm , this , he said that , that kids running around on the streets of Moscow is actually given a working permit and so he could actual work there and sort of like er
7 And she says Jean you know well you can see er she says you know the day before Ros was in Lisburn and she says you know the way when you 're standing and from the back you can feel somebody that their eyes are penetrating through you and she said she happened to turn round and there she 's sitting in , in this girl 's car and just er looked at her like that .
8 He was my guv'nor in Tottenham and he said you were all right . ’
9 Extract 2 oh listen I wanted to tell you one of the girls in my supply class we 'll hoover when we come back wo n't we she said to me she looked at my shoes and she said you 've got flashy shoes or something I said I got them in Spain she said Miss are you Spanish I thought it was really funny
10 Well he 's got a lot of fishing equipment and I said you 're a keen fisherman then , all walk in
11 He phoned me last night at home and I said you got your message then ?
12 you are very welcome to stay for lunch but you say you ca n't .
13 That ti I was at er canteen at erm and I took my plate , I was there thre two or three days and she says you 're the only one that 's ever brought the plate back .
14 ‘ You 've practically exiled yourself from your family and your home and your friends , you think you 've failed your finals but you say you 've no intention of sitting your re-sits even if you have ; you 've no money and you have n't even been looking for a job ; you 're getting done for shop-lifting and you 're acting like such a fucking dick-head you seem determined to get shot of the last few pals you do have left … and all you can do is make smart-ass remarks . ’
15 Let's imagine somebody wonders in to John Major one day and he says you know , I 've a bit of a problem John .
16 Well Miss rang me up about twenty to nine and said could I come in for the day and I said you 've had it for the day though consider the afternoon .
17 Well he was dashing out when I when I called him erm his wife answered the phone and she said you just him he 's going out at the door so he came rushing back and I said I wanted him to judge champion of champions and the and I said there 'll be two and he said , hang on , and he 's write it down said I 'll just stick it all at one and see to it when I come back , oh I got ta go and he went .
18 Do you know I calculate , I went on to him other night and I says you 've only nine week
19 And say he 's round about the fortyish age and we spoke to him last week and I said you got a job yet ?
20 So re I explained about father and he said you know , we must get together .
21 I , I , er I used to have an inspector when I was on traffic and he says you take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves .
22 processing and he said you know that 'd be fine to do so
23 They were on the till when I was up there this morning and I said you are you were working there
24 I done it , I did it all neat and tidy the whole way round till we got round to the door and I says you can do it , no way am I cutting round there big chunk
25 He asked the masters and they said you can come for an interview .
26 I 've do It 's like it 's like practising for football I mean you might be the best footballer in the world and you say you know they say well you 've just won the cup say
27 Oh mostly that really , supposedly going to America in February the sixth and the doctor , she said to the doctor what 's the matter and he said you 're really , really run down then he said to her what I suggest you do is to go and buy some cartons of fresh orange juice , a jar of honey and some natural live yoghurt and she 's ate it all , now she 's got diarrhoea ca n't win can ya ?
28 ‘ A fortnight and you said you 'd be away ten days at the most . ’
29 You forget we 've got spies , all the staff on this ward tell Jim exactly what you 've been doing er , that 's , that 's how he knew you got your hair done , can we have five pounds , she 's just had her hair permed , the day before he 's just coming in and , no they sent to the ward can we have five pounds please your mum 's been out for the day and she 's had her lunch out you cost him a fortune and you say you 've never been anywhere
30 A bit more cash in your purse might be a good idea and you said you wanted to work .
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