Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 because there is n't a grant or there is n't whatever it is and you know and , and how you actually manage to er cope with that yourself .
2 I have also complained to you continually about the loss of orders I have taken from my customers , ie back orders which get lost on the computer or they are not delivered due to the lack of stock .
3 Yeah he was Commandant Le Pew or something was n't it ?
4 It turns out that if I choose a direction and look at the electron 's spin in relation to that direction then either its axis of rotation points along that direction or it is wholly in the reverse direction .
5 We want Apex as Kevin has already said to be a real section , not where everyone gets pushed because the name of their branch or there 's nowhere else to put them .
6 LARNE manager Gary Erwin issued an ultimatum to his players after yesterday 's defeat at Ballymena — ‘ start giving 100pc or you 're out ’ .
7 Contracts clerk or something is n't he ?
8 Either that Sardinian 's being there was coincidence or it was n't — and , for goodness ' sake , if it was n't —
9 Solvent sniffing usually means getting ‘ high ’ by breathing in the fumes from butane , aerosols , glues or other products found around most people 's houses or which are easily available from shops .
10 After twenty years , George still could n't decide whether they spent the time thinking or it was just to show they need n't really answer anything .
11 Something on the erm reef or something was n't it ?
12 They have to call it a club or they 're not allowed to serve hard liquor .
13 Yeah it 's elephant ears or something is n't it ?
14 ‘ It is also an unbelievable chance for Germany to have the fifth most important tennis tournament in the world … a certainty also that tennis will continue there when Steffi Graf or I are no longer around . ’
15 You 're either with the enemy or you 're not .
16 It 's been — delightful , and either you are a very good actress or you are genuinely innocent of guile .
17 If that 's the case you know resources should n't be going into , into that particular industry or there is not a direct economic case apart from to the social costs that they be involved in .
18 Either there is money in the purse or there is not , etc .
19 So were you born here moved to Malton , moved back here and then moved to Malton or you were here and they you moved to Malton when she lived there ?
20 MICK QUINN has handed Coventry an ultimatum : ‘ Meet my demands or I 'm off . ’
21 If what ( 102 ) entailed was : ( 104 ) You are Napoleon and you are socially superior to ( or socially distant from ) me , the speaker Then ( 105 ) would have to have one reading under which it meant ( 106 ) , which it clearly does not have : ( 105 ) Vous n'etes pas Napoleon ( 106 ) You are Napoleon , and you are not socially superior to ( or socially distant from ) me , the speaker Exactly the same , and additional , arguments can be shown to hold for the complex honorifics of " exotic " languages .
22 Take a seat behind the wheel and there is n't much to get the pulses racing either .
23 Other fish live in small water bodies , which are influenced by heavy rainfall and drought , which considerably affect the water 's characteristics and they are more tolerant .
24 They were very fey little songs and they were very pleasant , but they were not earth-shaking .
25 We 're not just of this period , we write good songs and there 's always a demand for a good song .
26 She still , at this point , disliked the songs and it was n't until she was in the studio and involved that she found a passionate core to the music and began to revel in it .
27 Edward and Wallace Simpson , because Edward abdicated in order to marry a divorced American and so they then went to live in exile and he was eventually , after he died he was buried in Britain , but Wallace Simpson , or the Duchess of Windsor or as she then was
28 I 'm actually , I am actually , I 've been party , they 've been circulating me with the correspondence of the residents ' association and I am very worried about this but do n't feel , until invited by the residents ' association , that we should do any more .
29 Collide with one of the sewer-stopping baddies and you 're just returned to the office .
30 ’ Lewis sat opposite Hari and she was suddenly aware of how handsome he was .
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