Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I regret if this remark has misled Mr Blair or you to think that I could preach at Kildalton as a Candidate .
2 There are chapters dealing with absolute medical emergencies , such as a crush injury to the chest or what to do if your child is trapped in a smoke-filled room .
3 Employees moving from an unfurnished flatlet or room to similar accommodation at the new base or who rent or buy a house at the new location receive a grant of £438 .
4 So I either have it in the kitchen or I go and I say to them do you want a cup of tea ?
5 The review is important for the future of the Association and we hope that the process of wide consultation will lead to recommendations based on a considered analysis of the needs and views of the membership .
6 We are er overseeing them , as we do with other contractors , but it is , it is the district and it 's their own contractor and we hope that they will improve their performance .
7 In the first chapter we looked at notions of timely and untimely grief and we saw that although the reaction to loss is the same whether or not we are expecting someone to die , the way it will be expressed does very much depend on whether it is something we might expect .
8 My girlfriend and I shouted and screamed our denials , but they would n't believe us .
9 ‘ But the thing about Robbo is that he is a determined beggar and I know that if I ask him , he will say OK if he 's ready .
10 Things begin to crack ; sometimes the cracks become gaps and then we can open them up to make spaces full of creative possibility , but sometimes the cracks become fissures and everything collapses and we have to scratch around in the rubble looking for bits of junk that we can cobble together into something ripe with meaning .
11 She brought her knee up between his legs and he gasped and doubled over , pushing her away from him .
12 ‘ I 've just heard that Harry Pollitt is addressing a meeting in Parkhead and I wondered if you 'd fancy coming with me ? ’
13 Baron of Buchlyvie was brought into the ring and everyone agreed that it looked magnificent .
14 This somehow led to a discussion on local football and I discovered that there were eleven fit men and true down at the Kingdom Hall .
15 Bohannen ( 1971 ) describes six stations of divorce which may be happening simultaneously or in succession and which continue until some resolution is found .
16 Urquhart flicked the main switch and she blinked as the room was washed by the harsh overhead light .
17 Her husband was an invalid and she had but one friend , or rather , vassal , referred to jokingly by the local people as ‘ yon auld witch ’ .
18 And it came home to me that you know we all had to come to terms in some way with erm with what it was all about and the kids and you know and it became something of a I mean i it was the experience that we went through you know it was i it was you know something that we 'll always remember I think because it 'll always make Christmas different I think for us in a way you know but it And when they came up from South Wales with car loads and van loads and I mean we all just sobbed you know I mean there was nothing to do really you know it was just and I think anyway that was Christmas , but I mean er .
19 I would like with your agreement Jim t to take that off the agenda and for you Dennis and I to discuss that out of this meeting
20 Then I think the erm the chairs , Malcolm phoned erm was it the homeless , was it Shelter , one of those organizations and they came and picked them up .
21 Mick , the National Officer has been er , the link between these organizations and I hope that the er , Professional erm , Boxers ' Association will give some credit to the G M B in erm , establishing themselves and we hope , as an organization , that in the future that they can be successful and we can be sure they will be because they 've not only got the likes of Barry but they 've got many other , prominent er , boxers who will , I 'm sure , establish erm , the Association in a very er , positive fashion .
22 He made toys that parodied her innocent amusements and those of her brothers and she trembled when he raised his leonine voice .
23 of fruit , vegetables and animals and you know and er
24 This is a typical result and it seems that , like the tendons , the early development of the muscles is quite autonomous .
25 The scales fell from his eyes and he saw that over many long years of prehistory , all trackways were in straight lines marked out by experts on a sighting system .
26 She jabbed two fingers into his eyes and he screamed and rolled off her , trying to rise to his feet , blinded by her attack .
27 For a brief moment there was recognition in his eyes and he reached for he hand , pulling back before the contact was made .
28 ‘ There is a modicum of gentleness in your eyes and I presume that you are young enough to feel compassion .
29 He closed his eyes and she saw that the movement of his chest had stopped .
30 The question was casual but Rachel thought she detected a flicker of interest in Louise 's blue eyes and she wondered if the stories about herself and David had reached the welfare office yet or whether she was simply becoming paranoid where he was concerned .
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