Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [prep] [noun] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 He either under acts or over acts does n't he ?
2 Our advice to local organisers is therefore first of all to hold your event in a public park or along country walks if at all possible .
3 damage to tyres by application of brakes or by road punctures cuts or bursts
4 Jim Nicholson , the chairman of Down Royal , could also be said to have a grievance for he has sponsored three of the National Hunt races on the Saturday card and in fact has put his money where his mouth is .
5 While the 1970s and '80s brought new levels of technical expertise , some of the best matte paintings of all time can be seen in a 1930s production which , though having a very big budget for its day , nonetheless incorporated shrewd economies , including the avoidance of location shooting and of building sets that would be used only briefly .
6 The lending bank lends funds and in return accepts the bankers acceptance .
7 There were more kidnappings and hostage takings ( especially by organized gangs and during prison escapes ) in January-August 1989 than over the previous decade .
8 In that case switching away from equity and into debt offers two potential advantages : it tends to concentrate ownership ( both equity and debt ) into fewer hands that may care more about how the firm is run ; and it provides a clear discipline for managers .
9 Many recent takeovers involved debt : the move of companies out of equity and into debt sounds like a deliberate move away from health and towards sickness .
10 , A Ministry of Agriculture report has detected alarming levels of tecnazene in water downstream of potato crisp factories , chip shops and in sewage works .
11 It provides the clearest description that I have yet found on the use of 50 millesimals in practice and in addition conveys a sense of excitement which makes one eager to try out this ‘ new ’ form of prescribing .
12 Olten is where the line from Zurich to Bern and on to the resorts of Lac Leman and to Geneva crosses that from Basle to Lucerne , the famous , is St Gotthard Pass , the Italianate Ticino , thence to Milan and Italy itself .
13 Hence the distribution of HCHS revenue funds from RHAS to DHAs and to GPPBs needs to be enhanced by the capital charges element .
14 ‘ Some of these men had been so badly damaged , both physically and mentally , by their experiences on the battlefield and in POW camps that their lives were ruined . ’
15 During the battle , a burn nearby ran red with blood and in legend has been called ‘ the bloody burn ’ .
16 offers some new job opportunities but on balance creates more unemployment ;
17 ‘ On the negative side , over involvement from parents or over protection causes a player to suffer in his game .
18 Solidarity factory commissions in the Gdansk shipyard and repair yards had demanded on July 3 that one-third of shares should go to the workforce ( to be paid for in instalments or with bank credits ) and that part of a share issue be purchased by their union to finance its activities .
19 This translates into an average eighteen pounds reduction in council tax for a band E dwelling which could be passed on to council tax payers in their ninety four , ninety five bills or of course allows them more flexibility in their general financial planning .
20 The USA was authorized both by international law and by UN sanctions to intercept shipping destined for Iraq in the wake of the Gulf war , but had no authority to divert shipments bound for Iran or Syria because Iran , North Korea and Syria were not signatories to the Missile Technology Control Regime .
21 Well that , it speak the truth they were given to me by June , who 's very into that sort of thing and prescribed them for Simon and in fact has had to give him a few more now because he 's had his driving test cancelled .
22 The Wellcome Group has subsidiaries in 36 countries and in total employs around 18,000 people .
23 The discussion in Committee and on Report has been positive and good natured .
24 For example , if the EDSP is 1.7812 ( i.e. if 1 = $ 1.7812 ) , then the invoice amount for the contract is The long pays $44,530 to the short and in return receives 25,000 .
25 The work of the Association of Women of El Salvador ( AMES ) and other women 's organizations in the controlled zones and with refugees has been very impressive in this sense .
26 After the sciences of geometry and of motion comes ‘ physics ’ .
27 Meanwhile , both on power station sites and on distribution works , with physical controls over materials gone , Central Authority exhortations to spending units to curtail expenditure were less effective .
28 ‘ Getting results away from home and in Europe has been a hallmark of Liverpool sides throughout the years . ’
29 Even when Time Out returned to the stands , those readers tired of the magazine 's ‘ agit-prop ’ news coverage and of film reviews dense with Marxist dialectic , would surely switch to Event .
30 The fighting in Germany and in Belgium has always attracted more attention than other aspects of the war .
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