Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] them the " in BNC.

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1 You can freeze these buns or make them the day before and keep in an airtight container .
2 Well leaving them a key or giving them the key to get in .
3 In searching out these opportunities and exploiting them the producer is thus performing the entrepreneurial role in the market process .
4 He was referring to the times at Achnacarry when I would on occasion meet the trainees returning from a speed march and pipe them the last two miles back to the camp .
5 They have taken a selection from their Cordillera , Appalachian , and Outback lines , adapted the harness to suit a women 's figure and called them the Nanda Devi range .
6 She no longer kept them in cages but allowed them the run of the house and garden .
7 car hirers were not ‘ trafficking in litigation ’ where they agreed with potential plaintiffs whose cars were damaged in motor accidents and under repair , to supply them with free replacement vehicles provided the plaintiffs co-operated with the hirers in prosecuting claims against defendants and paid them the hiring charges from the damages they received .
8 It teaches them responsibility and gives them the chance to work as adults with other adults . ’
9 One is to give all the children obstacles such as sacks , boxes , old tyres , ladders and ropes and give them the opportunity to make up their own course .
10 Actors who train and go to drama school are usually on grants from local education authorities and to deny them the chance to join the profession — or at least compete properly — is ridiculous .
11 Often bosses ignore workers or give them the silent treatment — a negative , no-win situation for all concerned .
12 It 's much better to look people in the eye and tell them the truth . ’
13 It aims to bring the best of Kenya 's young biological scientists and , at a different level , the children from surrounding communities , to a variety of purpose-designed training and educational programmes on site and to give them the experience of seeing wildlife being managed alongside the traditional keeping of domestic stock .
14 He did not accomplish much , beyond making it clear to the owners that , in return for their agreement to a national minimum , he would abandon Samuel and give them the eight-hour day ; but he was thought to have acquitted himself well .
15 They chose this area because it reminded them of the Alps and afforded them the chance to continue with their much loved skiing .
16 Shortly after the event , Stanley Peters said ‘ The response has been outstanding and we , as a company , welcomed the opportunity to meet families and show them the factory ’ .
17 These will ensure that our graduates emerge with the versatility and professionalism to back up their academic knowledge and give them the edge in the market place .
18 Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and serve them the same way as the fried dumplings .
19 okay , again I mean these are things that talk about confirmation I mean quite honestly I 'm I 'd be quite happy if we had offices where people talk to each other ninety per cent of the time rather than send memos and faxes to each other , and on the whole we are really talking about inside the office with the people who we work with I mean obviously clients as well trying to find something different , we tend tend to find that it 's very very easy sometimes to make a phone call it 's much easier to make a phone call and to talk to that person and give them the personal touch .
20 We sat them down and gave them a drink and asked them the usual stuff .
21 By the age of eleven I was collecting the money from the customers and handing them the change they were due .
22 They overwhelmed their poor owners and gave them the air of refugees , caught between the darkness and the high wire fence .
23 Naturally this enforcement pattern could be justified by the inspectorate who see their primary function not as a kind of industrial police force , but more of a pastoral mission rounding up wayward factory owners and showing them the light and contentment to be gained from compliance with current standards of safety , health , and welfare required by law .
24 It is this sense of identification that gives hope to the newcomers that others will understand their fears and actions and show them the route to recovery .
25 That means understanding the principles of communication and custom applying them to a campaign , not just throwing hardware at people and showing them the switches .
26 We are committed to using the resources available to the health service to treat the maximum number of patients and to offer them the highest possible quality of health care .
27 Without all these controls companies will still be making standard phone calls and writing them up afterwards into signed telephone logs and considering them the best records of a transaction .
28 It was n't until 1880 with the passing of the Ground Game Act , giving tenant farmers protection against their landlords and giving them the right to kill hares and rabbits , that the laws were even modestly relaxed .
29 He also taught the mandolin to four small girls and called them the Fairy Four .
30 It is becoming an annual tradition for Hazel French , a loyal class member of Elsie Streek 's and a Kent team member , to open her house and garden to Medau friends and give them the opportunity to chat , swim , walk , play tennis , do a Medau work-out , eat , drink and sunbathe ( sun guaranteed , of course ) .
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