Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] with the " in BNC.

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1 Salmond called on Sept. 27 for a referendum to be held setting out the choices for Scotland as full independence within the European Communities , limited self-government or continuing with the constitutional status quo .
2 Trading guilds and companies manoeuvred to have their industry organized to their own advantage or allied with the Crown to do so .
3 not to reprint ( save with prior written consent of the Publisher ) or otherwise reproduce change or tamper with the Publications
4 Yes erm because I doubt it , erm at the moment with the fund that we 're talking about the erm the close scheme , because most of these people in B T were originally erm in the Post Office , and of course when the they split erm then the erm Post Office workers went over to B T , they get a B T pension but in actual fact they paid into a pension scheme erm for many of them for forty years because they come into that age group , where so many people , you took a job when you were twenty o or or sixteen and you stayed with it for life , you did n't chop and change like people do these days and the majority of our members erm we can go down and I would say the vast majority of our members have actually worked for the Post Office or starting with the Post Office and then B T or staying with the Post Office for forty years , there 's no end of them they 've got in there forty years service .
5 If a school intends to operate a form of option system allowing pupils to drop history at Key Stage 4 or to opt for the short course or continue with the full course , pupils and parents will presumably wish to base their decision on performance to date .
6 Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any queries or concerns with the tape or Handbook .
7 So if we wish to touch the horse or communicate with the horse , we should do so in a way that is acceptable to the horse .
8 Haeckel reconstructed the tree of life to give it a main trunk or stem with the human race at the top : all developments in other directions were merely side branches of little real importance .
9 But the residents resisted and formed themselves into a community association and negotiated with the council to save their homes .
10 Moisten the chicken using the reduced stock and garnish with the cooked vegetables from the stock , but discard the bouquet garni .
11 The service ranges from a search for suitable target profiles ( linking with MC Strategy Services where appropriate ) , to assisting with structuring and negotiating the deal and liaising with the KPMG Investigation Service team .
12 The women work and eat and sleep in an atmosphere thick with impalpable hairs and tainted with the sickly smell of the skins … the average daily earnings are 1/1d .
13 Coming up in a little while we 'll be talking greyhounds , but for now we 'll go back to football and deal with the local classified results with all the local leagues .
14 The federal judiciary in the United States is nominated by the President and appointed with the consent of the Senate .
15 I mean , you can do that in various ways , by inviting them all to come along , you know , have a Saturday down at , invite them to come along as representatives of the organizations and talk with the parish council
16 The Movement put up municipal candidates and worked with the Communist Party and the ILP for the " immediate demands " of the unemployed .
17 Normally geometric data is entered directly into the system by calling up the appropriate entry command and responding with the necessary parameters and syntax .
18 He failed to do all he could for the Jews and socialised with the Nazis too easily for the Poles ' liking .
19 I shut my eyes and tremble with the effort to get it vividly in my mind .
20 During his time at the University , when not playing rugby and tennis for Trinity Academicals and acting with the FP Dramatic Society , he had vacation jobs United Wireworks , Symington 's Coffee Essence Company , ICI and British Aluminium .
21 Pilibossian stares at visitors through powerful round spectacles and walks with the help of a cane as he tells his story .
22 Because of the outbreak of war he abandoned plans to do research and took an industrial job , but in September 1915 he joined the Royal Army Medical Corps as a private soldier and served with the British Expeditionary Force .
23 With the signing of two financial agreements with Algeria on May 2 , Italy was confirmed as one of Algeria 's main commercial partners — a policy said to provide endorsement for Hamrouche 's reform programme and to contrast with the more cautious attitude of France , Algeria 's most important trading partner .
24 Lottie Dod was also an accomplished pianist and sang with the London Oriana Madrigal Society .
25 There exists a school of thought , that an expensive Biro , wrought from gold or silver and branded with the potential owner 's name , will become a chenshed possession .
26 The smoke curled from her mouth and mingled with the harsh , dry heat from the electric fire .
27 At the end of 1936 G. D. H. Cole , in his The Peoples Front , advocated the formation of " Radical Groups " , to work in local Liberal parties and to co-operate with the Labour and Communist Parties .
28 They had had other help in the house too ; Mrs Eddy from the village who came for three hours every morning , and her daughter Jess who waited at table for dinner parties and helped with the clearing up after .
29 Usually , what with shooting and swimming with the others and riding up at Biddy 's , he had only got back to the garden shed in time to flake out until morning .
30 The country 's fifth national development plan , covering the period 1986-90 , was making progress at reducing economic dependence on revenues derived from petroleum and natural gas reserves and helping with the creation of new private-sector industries .
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