Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [noun sg] over " in BNC.

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1 The meteorological factors that produce abnormal patterns of atmospheric circulation and suppress rainfall over eastern Australia are difficult to isolate .
2 You know how superstitious she is , touching wood and not walking under ladders and throwing salt over her shoulder when she 's spilled some .
3 This vigorous phase continued for a few days , with the column of steam and ash climbing eleven kilometres high above the volcano and showering ash over points up to 480 kilometres distant .
4 It is the prevailing view of the sovereignty of Parliament , above discussed , that if Parliament wished to cast off a part of the British Dominions and abjure jurisdiction over it , it could do so .
5 Being credulous in matters of sorcery , they began to put it about that the Frank doctor not only had the power of expelling demons but had dominion over them .
6 The rhizome should be planted at a depth of about an inch with loose , unpacked sand or planting medium over the growing point .
7 Sir Leon dismissed arguments that a pan-European central bank would mean the United Kingdom would have to surrender sovereignty and relinquish control over monetary policy .
8 Old women in white coats were clattering around with loofahs and stainless-steel buckets and throwing water over motionless pink men on slabs .
9 Place chops in a shallow dish and pour marinade over the chops .
10 They believe that their accepted right to control prisoners and wield power over them is threatened by the development of welfare services and personnel within prisons and the ( gradual and still fairly minimal but growing ) recognition of prisoners ' rights .
11 Becket had , indeed , died for the liberty of the Church , if by that we mean an acceptance of the universal law of the Church and the freedom of the church courts to try certain cases and exercise jurisdiction over the clergy as a separate caste .
12 I think it 'll be the best thing , you know , just in case you do get crayon and felt tip over the walls and that !
13 For he knew he must act fast now , and more than that , that the time was coming when if he was really to escape he must leave the protection of the Park and venture north over the great city whose houses frightened him .
14 The king , who had returned from Flanders in February and was present in person , was asked to agree to confirm and observe the charters ; to agree that no taxes should be levied without the assent of parliament , and to appoint a council which would supervise the expenditure of money raised for the war and exercise jurisdiction over ministers .
15 Mildred ignored this jibe and sprinkled sugar over her bowl of porridge which resembled a drought-stricken river-bed .
16 Under the influence of the Sussex and England captain , A. E. R. Gilligan , Tate had early developed into a fast medium bowler , able to control deceptive swerve and telling accuracy over exacting periods .
17 Mix 100g/4oz of low-fat spread mixed with two tablespoons of Dijon mustard and spread mixture over one side of each slit .
18 To do that , on May 18th the prime minister , Leonid Kuchma , asked parliament to grant him a range of extraordinary powers : to rule the economy by decree , control the central bank and the state privatisation body and have jurisdiction over the president 's satraps in the regions .
19 To crush their rivals , therefore , they sought not to limit the power of the Grand Prince but to gain influence over him by identifying themselves with the elevation of his personal authority .
20 Its owner uses it to cool itself by squirting water or hurling dust over its body .
21 Among these we may notice easements , such as rights of way , rights of light , rights to take water or to discharge water over the land of another .
22 The whole idea has always been abhorrent to us , and we were rid of it 14 years ago in 1977 , when we voted to secede from South Africa and re-assist control over our own affairs .
23 Chalon picked his way nervously among the throng , tossing his head and splattering mud over the feet of more than one unwary pedestrian who was too slow to get out of the way .
24 Then , under the banner of Islam , descendants of Turkish shepherd tribes stormed Constantinople , fought under the walls of Vienna , subjugated the Balkans and held sway over the Hejaz , Egypt and Algiers .
25 For example , the three theses apply in the most straightforward way to discourse of people being in authority or having authority over others .
26 Gen Noriega was able to broadcast to the people and organise resistance over the main national radio network , until a special US assault team blew up the transmitters late on Wednesday .
27 The rampant sexism of the climbing and walking fraternity over the last 50 years has left a whole generation of older women with the legacy of being expected to have the white-bearded , old sod 's tea ready for him on the table when he comes home from a fabulous day out on the hills .
28 Strain pasta and pour sauce over it .
29 They seemed to enjoy both co-operating with teachers and wielding power over juniors .
30 She took a couple of steps on the highly polished floor and fell head over everything , put out her hands to break the inevitable fall , and heard the sickening snaps as she hit the deck .
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