Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [verb] [pron] they " in BNC.

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1 And th there 's a lot of , for Sainsburys the , the feeling being that if Sainsburys also agreed to take it , that lots of other , if there are any others , would follow suit cos everybody seems to look at Sainsburys and see what they 're doing .
2 So I 'll bring that list in for you to have a look at , and you might spot your own society in there and give them a ring and see what they , they 've got on offer .
3 When that seven year old kid went in the bedroom and saw what they were doing that did n't matter .
4 She closed her eyes and wondered what they would be doing .
5 Right , okay , the other thing I was going to ask about we , we had a big promotion of Amnesty by The Body Shop , last year , er and we noticed that Our Price were also going to do promotion of Amnesty and we asked , wonder if we look into local shops and see what they could find out and what was going on , did you find anything ?
6 It was It seems a kind of I mean it seems to have gone on quite a bit that people who had a Co book would allow other people to draw off of that , would go to the shops and buy whatever they needed of the Co book .
7 The idea challenges scientists and non-scientists alike , including people who may never write a computer program in their lives , to come to terms with computers and understand what they are about
8 A 13 year old girl and her younger brother , from Bartestree near Hereford , were stopped by a man in a white car and wearing what they describe as police uniform , who offered them a lift home .
9 Work like the Peplos kore ( fig. 39 ) , Exekias 's neck-amphora ( fig. 55 ) or the Vix krater ( fig. 58 ) show archaic Greek art in its assured prime : craftsmen who are masters of their craft can develop their styles and express what they want happily within the general limitations of inherited convention .
10 Brandishing a knife taken from the kitchen , the gang took all three to separate bedrooms and told them they would be stabbed if they did not reveal where their valuables were .
11 Moreover , only half think that their partner respects and appreciates what they do in the home .
12 Subject to invasions and to the steady and relentless pressure to Germanise or Polonise themselves they had watched their language and culture dwindle away as the other Pomeranian cultures had done before them .
13 But we do n't believe that those sort of problems can be solved centrally , we believe that local communities can look at their own areas and see what they can do to lessen the problem .
14 Blake glimpsed the looking glass behind the bar and saw what they found amusing .
15 She went into work and told everybody they were coronation !
16 To observe the parental handling of the situation it must be made clear that the parents are expected to control their children during the session and do what they would do at home .
17 ‘ As I say , I 'll ring up the town hall and see what they say .
18 Each year groups from mainland Spain find themselves at the house of the White Dove , a name symbolic of the peace and comfort which they experience through his caring approach .
19 As I found when I took the time to listen to parents and hear what they said , the views advanced did not always fit the latest fashion or an approved passage in a book on sociology .
20 But it was a time when the boy and his mother , who lived in a little cottage just outside the town , had to earn their living from growing their own vegetables and doing what they could to help other people in order to make a living .
21 The two Skaven heads will bite anyone who opens the doors ( WS +20 for this ) ; they can also detach themselves from the doors , flying around the coach-house and attacking anyone they find .
22 Sometimes a car slows down and the inhabitants wave and shout what they believe to be a significant phrase .
23 I know schools up the [ place in West Belfast ] who would welcome us , but what happened one time , a school up there won the trophy and the next day some boys [ i.e. from the IRA ] came demanding the shield and threatening what they would do to certain teachers if it was n't handed over .
24 two than four about their input under the Mediwell and then after that , on the thirtieth Linda 's coming up to school erm and we 're going to actually well , Eleanor 's in English and Paul 's in his room , Cath will be in with the tutors and Paul will come into my classroom that particular time she can go round all the groups and discuss what they 've thought .
25 Let's have a look and see what they 've done to you .
26 They felt it was the duty of America to stop the world toppling to Communism and did everything they could to stop Ho Chi Minh .
27 The move followed the completion of a report , commissioned by Col. René Emilio Ponce , the military chief of staff , and drafted by junior officers , which criticized the conduct of the military operations against the FMLN and attacked what they described as corrupt practices by senior officers , the vagaries of the promotion system and the lack of accountability of commanders .
28 Dale Baker and Downpatrick clubmate , David Gibson , have already played the course and liked what they saw .
29 I could understand the players walking off the field and wondering what they had to do to win . ’
30 A majority of the deputies in parliament rallied to support Pflimlin and reject what they interpreted as de Gaulle 's scarcely concealed blackmail .
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