Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] are [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Arguments that PR works well in countries such as West Germany are countered by pointing to the experience of italy , where turnover in governments is rapid and a significant fraction of the population vote for a party that is consistently excluded from government .
2 ( i ) When a prisoner is sentenced to imprisonment for life , within a short time the trial judge and the Lord Chief Justice are invited by the Secretary of State to express their views on the period he should serve for the purposes of retribution and deterrence .
3 The glossy magazine Vogue is working on a major fashion cover story in the California deserts where top models Christy Turlington and Linda Evangelista are expected to be photographed in natural coloured clothes and decked with bracelets , necklaces and belts made from coarse ropes .
4 Not even the Mother Goddesses are represented on pottery although they were extremely popular as pipe-clay figurines made in the Rhineland and found in Britain .
5 Ry Cooder and David Lindley are featured on the self-titled debut album from Hawaiian-based band The Pahinui Brothers ( on Private Music , through BMG ) .
6 Awed critical voices salute his very occasional emergence in print , and invocations of Raymond Carver , Peter Taylor and Ellen Gilchrist are silenced upon reverent lips by a mere mention of his name .
7 LEADING Champion Hurdle contenders Granville Again and Morley Street are poised for an exciting rematch at Cheltenham on Saturday .
8 LATE summer sightseers flocking to the famous Antrim Coast Road are warned to be on the alert for stone-throwers .
9 We can not discover New oceans Unless we have courage To lose sight Of the shore These lines from André Gide are quoted in New Methods in RE : An Experiential Approach ( Hammond et al.
10 The families of republican murderer Anna Moore and loyalist killer Bobby Corry are believed to be bitterly divided over their controversial decision to wed .
11 As I stated last time , both Andrew Gold and Waddy Wachtel are credited with the lead work on this track — Andrew on the ( stereo ) left and Waddy on the right .
12 Large areas of upland Britain are covered in thin layers of peat ( a very organic-rich soil developed by anaerobic decay and compaction of vegetation ) which can selectively take up metals such as cobalt and lead as organic complexes .
13 The mosaics in S. Apollinare are confined to the triumphal arch and the apse ( PLATE 31 ) .
14 During the 1840s , Charles and Edward Davis are recorded at Days Mill , in turn replaced by John and William Wise .
15 Bottlenosed dolphins living around the Dornoch Firth in West Scotland are threatened by encroaching pollution from a sewage outfall pipe near Chanonry Point where dolphins congregate .
16 Find out how from three famous Arab Stallions , the great racehorses like Mill Reek and Brigadier Gerard are descended through that ‘ super horse ’ ECLIPSE .
17 Standing on a small peninsula surrounded by the beautiful Belle Mare beach , the buildings of the luxurious Saint Geran are grouped around a lagoon .
18 Differences are partly based on size : the two species of Proconsul from Rusinga Island are estimated at 9kg and 26–38kg based on good postcranial evidence .
19 The kirkyards and muirlands of central and south Ayrshire are dotted with headstones and memorials to men martyred by the King 's Dragoons .
20 The artist 's sketches and scribbles are analysed to demonstrate recurring motifs and psychological preoccupations guilt at the death of Casegemas or a mistress 's abortion for example while figures such as Alfred Jarry , Max Jacob and Gertrude Stein are brought to life in Richardson 's simple , flowing prose .
21 McDonald 's Chicken McNuggets are made from whole cuts of boned breast and thigh meat .
22 The eccentricities of Dr Maturin are endured with fortitude by his landlady ; her opinions are indicated , in a direct account of his situation at a particular period in his life , with perfect naturalness :
23 Large tracts of the North-East and North Yorkshire are used by the Army for training .
24 South Shields are doomed to relegation with only three points .
25 ‘ The gardens of North Oxford are designed for peaceful horticulture , not these heathen goings-on .
26 Later various Far Eastern forms with a more or less conspicuous white neck ring and lower back and rump mainly green , torquatus group , ( 2 ) were introduced , and these have interbred not only with colchicus type but with other subspecies introduced from time to time , till the British Isles and much of W Europe are occupied by an indescribable amalgam of pheasant forms from all over Asia .
27 SHEILA KEOGH and Carol Morrison are perched on the stairs outside their third floor office , lighting up again .
28 In chapter 2 , entitled ‘ The Mad King : Mental Illness among the Mighty ’ , the cases of Thomas Eagleton , King Ludwig of Bavaria , King Talal of Jordan , Castlereagh , Churchill , Oliver Cromwell , Menachem Begin , Stalin , President Nguema , and Idi Amin are discussed in that order .
29 Herds of cattle and extensive baggage trains followed the troops ; the famous romantic exploits of the hero Roland are derived from a historic defence of one such train .
30 Painters of the West and of the Luminist and Hudson River Schools such as Alfred T. Bricher , Frederick Church , Thomas Cole and Sanford Gifford are joined by American Impressionists Theodore Robinson , John Twachtman , Childe Hassam and Charles Hawthorne .
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