Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [pron] [vb past] for " in BNC.

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1 In the time of King Edward it answered for six sulings and now for two and a half , there is arable of seven teams , in demesne , there are three teams and fifteen villians with nine bordari have six teams .
2 Having marched from Inverness along the side of Loch Ness he waited for a day in the hope that more pack-horses would turn up , but when none were forthcoming left behind most of his supplies and provisions , though his men were still heavily burdened as they crossed the mountains in search of the enemy ; roads in the Highlands , and local sources of supply , were almost non-existent .
3 It was old Mr. Stavanger who paid for me to have a good secretarial course , and when I 'd qualified he gave me a job in the shipping office .
4 Juliet took the cup and saucer and watched them go into Room C. She waited for the shouts of anger , the loud crying , but all remained quiet .
5 The whole planning system came under fire from several quarters , including Mr Hague who called for reforms so that associated pylons and cabling would be considered when planning applications for power stations were submitted .
6 When you failed to rouse Sir Thomas you went for Sir Richard whose chamber is on the adjoining passageway .
7 Other reports were given by secretary Robert Broderick , treasurer Michael Saltmarsh , Pilgrim 's group leader Patricia Saltmarsh and Diane Loosemoore who appealed for more helpers for the Junior Church .
8 When Father Barnes reiterated that he was perfectly all right and that Mrs McBride who did for him was due at ten thirty , he did n't persist .
9 In 1961 the Club was developing a more commercial approach to itself , in no small measure owing to Jack Webb who worked for the Club 's accountant , Spencer Ell .
10 When they wanted to stop the investment programme , it was managing director Malcolm Cotton who fought for the idea .
11 The Amstrad PCW he bought for writing letters when handwriting became too difficult has given him a new interest in life .
12 These are the girls from Garland Road who bounced for charity .
13 The English actions were not combined in a single trial but subject to an order of Steyn J. which provided for the selection of lead cases to ensure determination of the major points of law and to avoid multiplicity of litigation .
14 The French objective was spelled out more clearly in November by Couve de Murville who argued for a complete overhaul of the Community institutions , in effect implying a revision of the heart of Rome .
15 Corporate partnerships in engineering , electronics and computing , especially involving West Germany which accounted for 120 such partnerships , had increased sharply in the first half of 1990 .
16 In January 1963 he vetoed an attempt by America 's closest ally , Britain , to join the European Common Market and made a treaty with West Germany which provided for consultation on military , diplomatic and cultural issues .
17 It was also during this period that we had the strangest set of photographs taken of us , by Peter Christopherson who worked for a design company , Hipgnosis — whose offices were at the back of our Denmark Street HQ — and who later joined Throbbing Gristle , a band best known for tabloid spreads on their occult practices .
18 He was not as promiscuous as the other classical gods , and actually rejected the lovely NYMPH Clytie who pined for him until her body became a beautiful flower — the heliotrope — which turns to watch the sun 's progress across the sky each day .
19 County 's heroes were their midfielders , Mick Matthews and Andy Thorpe ; faced with the glitter of Nigel Spackman and Peter Reid they challenged for control throughout .
20 It was probably his uncle , another Maximilian , who was MP for Westbury , Wiltshire , in 1628–9 , and his cousin Edmund who sat for Chipping Wycombe , Buckinghamshire , in the Convention Parliament of 1660 .
21 High-profile industry columnist Will Zachmann who wrote for PC Week for years says he left Ziff-Davis ' employ because of pressure brought to bear to write more favourably about Microsoft and Windows .
22 Former Stanley stalwarts include Harry Potts , who managed Burnley 's 1960 championship side ; inside forward Geoff Strong who starred for Arsenal and Liverpool but in 33 swansong games for Coventry never scored a goal ; Tommy Cummings who played 434 times for Burnley and thrice for England B ; Gordon Pallister , now 75 , who had 210 matches at Barnsley and Jack Howarth , a bairn at 47 , whose travels embraced 421 games for the late and lamented Aldershot .
23 She is the 21-year-old actress from Grange Hill who went for an audition with Mr Winner , and , seven months after he had had his way with her on a regular basis , got dumped .
24 A Dunkirk he waited for us so we could tail him through Lille and Mons into Belgium .
25 The latest UN peace plan followed proposals unveiled on May 10 by ex-king Zahir Shah which called for the establishment of a national committee including mujaheddin leaders , free elections and a parliamentary system .
26 Paddy Walsh is introduced for Paul Jennings who departed for the United States this week but the Cushendall man will certainly not be out of his depth .
27 A. T. I passed for Sergeant seventeen years before I got made up .
28 Chris Nicholl who played for Villa and then went on to manage Southampton and Terry Venables … who knows he may even try to buy the club lock stock and barrel …
29 The detainees had been among 115 signatories of an open letter to Siyad Barre which called for a negotiated end to civil war , respect for human and civil rights , and multiparty elections .
30 The beautiful Elizabeth Tomkins who worked for John for seven years before marrying his second son , Robert
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