Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [noun] over the " in BNC.

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1 HOWARD KENDALL pointed an accusing finger at defender Gary Ablett over the two-goal burst that sent Everton home empty-handed .
2 In the following days , the opposition Conservative Party and the Democratic Party , joined by sections of the press , called on de Klerk to dismiss Defence Minister Gen. Magnus Malan over the findings of an Auditor General 's report on the CCB 's finances .
3 Excitement mounted ; the hills we got to know so well ; on the left Heathmynd , then Rhadley and Linley Hill ; and then on the right the dramatic landmark of the Beech Avenue curling over the top of Norbury .
4 PRIME Minister John Major was holding crisis talks today with European Commission president Jacques Delors over the looming world trade war .
5 Italtel SpA is to install around 400,000 lines for Telecom Argentina SA over the next three years in a deal worth $600m : it says it will install the first 58,000 lines this year and the rest of them by 1996
6 BANK chiefs are to be hauled over the coals by Chancellor Norman Lamont over the way they treat small businesses .
7 A joint Russian , Moldovan and Dnestr peacekeeping force had been deployed on July 29 to halt the fighting after an agreement signed by Russian President Boris Yeltsin and his Moldovan counterpart Mircea Snegur over the future status of the Dnestr region [ for July agreement see p. 39019 ] .
8 Izvestiya of July 24 noted that the US-based human rights group Helsinki Watch , had expressed concern to Uzbek President Islam Karimov over the incident .
9 The EC representative Robert Walker , who had arrived in Mogadishu in August to oversee the distribution by relief agencies of European emergency aid worth US$23,000,000 , was in late October liaising with President Mahdi Mohammed over the government 's own plans for emergency aid .
10 New powers in the bill give Mr Patten vetoes over the import of both toxic and other wastes .
11 Larger booths and wider corridors skilfully masked absent galleries and a genuinely enthusiastic audience thronged the Casa de Campo over the weekend , with 25,000 visitors attending on Saturday alone .
12 They were probably saved from an early Walesa push for the presidency by the recent row with West Germany 's Mr Helmut Kohl over the permanence of Poland 's western border .
13 As the wave of relief flooded through me I saw Mr Bailes climbing over the wall from the next field .
14 ONE of Saddam Hussein 's henchmen yesterday launched a bitter personal attack on Premier John Major and President George Bush over the allies ' decision to send warplanes back to the Gulf .
15 Hopes for a compromise between the Democratic majority in Congress and President George Bush over the highly contentious issue of civil rights legislation appeared to collapse on Aug. 1 .
16 The previous incumbent had been recalled in January following a dispute between Australia and the government of former President Hammer DeRoburt over the grounding of Air Nauru services and a strike by pilots over operation and safety issues [ see p. 37091 ] .
17 Of course there is a Rose Garden with British-raised hybrid teas and floribundas , Sanders White climbing over the arches and Rambling Rector and Goldfinch covering the arbour .
18 The works of Metzinger , Gleizes and Le Fauconnier had been hung together by chance at the Salon d'Automne of 1910 , but the common characteristics which the critics saw in their styles , and the excitement expressed by the poets and authors at Mercereau 's and at the Closerie des Lilas over the possibilities of a new school of painting , seem to have made the painters aware of each other ; Apollinaire and Salmon in particular , although both were in many ways insensitive to painting , realized that Picasso 's latest style contained the elements of a new art , and felt that the work of several other painters was evolving in a similar direction .
19 The climax of the celebrations marking Taunton 150 , however , will be a series of Grand Locomotive Cavalcades on the West Somerset Railway over the weekend of July 4 and 5 .
20 Despite carding his worst round of the championship , a two over par 74 , he held his nerve to see off the challenge of defending champion Eamonn Darcy over the testing K Club course .
21 At one stage these key agreements appeared jeopardized by the intransigence of the United Kingdom government over the inclusion of social policy in the union treaty .
22 To celebrate the opening of the exhibition Minton held a party at the Mandrake , giving Boris Watson £200 over the bar with the insistence that it had to be spent .
23 THERE has been a considerable outcry from St Helens supporters over the eight-match ban imposed on the club 's Kiwi loose forward Shane Cooper two weeks ago .
24 She turned to the end of the document and saw a signature S. KETTERING over the address of the villa , LA FELICITÀ , MONDANO-IN-CHIANTI , SIENA , ITALY .
25 He liked Mrs. Blick one of the old school , always addressed by name , a caring sort Good Morning Mrs B. Over the years their relationship has developed so that Art now called her Mrs B. He had once served at a library committee but that was when her husband was alive many years ago .
26 Douglas Hurd , the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary , visited Hong Kong and China on April 2-9 for discussions aimed at settling the ongoing conflict between China and the Hong Kong government over the latter 's plan to build a new airport and port complex [ see p. 37961 ] .
27 Two bodies have been found in the wreckage of a civilian helicopter which was in a mid-air collison with an RAF Tornado jet over the Lake District .
28 General Portfolio B P Pitney Bowes over the years have from time to time provided us with funding
29 A High Court judge on Dec. 2 severely criticized alleged failings on the part of Home Secretary Kenneth Baker over the proposed deportation of an Indian Sikh dissident ( Karamjit Singh Chahal ) who had sought political asylum in the United Kingdom .
30 This move was an attempt to hamper the Western policy of setting up a new Federal West Germany government over the three Western zones .
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