Example sentences of "[noun] [noun prp] [noun] go [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Next week posters of striker Ian Wright go up to fill the gap left by Gary Lineker 's departure for Japan .
2 Hartlepool 's £60,000 striker Andy Saville went out to celebrate only hours after his debut in the 2–0 derby win over Darlington at the weekend .
3 Frontman David Lowery went on to develop Camper 's spiky , satirical side with Cracker , while his colleagues formed the Monks Of Doom , a prolific bunch who 've pursued a less-than-earth-shaking career on a series of garden-shed US indie labels .
4 Britain 's most glamorous pensioner actress Joan Collins went out to dinner last night — without the aid of a bus pass .
5 Insy Winsy Spider go on
6 And he found himself in the starting line-up when top scorer Chris Kiwomya went down with flu .
7 In the second half they pushed and pulled Bristol apart … the pack worked like a steamroller … and produced 4 tries … hooker John Hawker went over first …
8 When Photoplay 's editor Ken Ferguson went down to the set of The Devil 's Brigade , a World War Two adventure filmed in England in 1968 , he and the other reporters were warned not to try and interview the star .
9 But you clearly do n't believe that that statement , the the Reynolds Major statement goes far enough .
10 Pannell Kerr Forster goes further .
11 55 Forteana Paul Sieveking goes up in large clouds
12 The gardens of the Manor Road houses went through to one side of Fair View Road and my cousin pointed out a Nissen Hut in one of them as the garage rented by Mr. Rogers where the fateful taxi had been kept .
13 Television newsgirl Alison Holloway went down the aisle with Davidson in 1987 but split with him 18 months later because of his womanising .
14 STEPHEN MANSFIELD Hopes gone up in smoke : Phil Green of People In Need examines the charred and sodden mess that was once a £1million aid cargo for Romania and Bosnia
15 Well Mr er Deputy Speaker I er do n't wish to er follow the honourable member of one of my er neighbours but I actually think it 's really part of grown up politics to ensure that the political opinion of a nation is adequately represented in the forums of that nation whether it be in this place or in the European er parliament and to that extent I make no bones about it that erm I wish that we were debating a different electoral system and Mr Deputy Speaker going back to the minister 's introduction erm it is a fact , I did n't wish to intervene because I did n't , it 's a short debate and I did n't want to take up er extra time , but it is a fact is it not that our electoral system unique across Europe means that our deadline as opposed to what the French are going to do is different to all the other member states .
16 Sir Robert Mark goes on to tell us that after the prisoner 's appearance in court where , with his leg encased in plaster he was fined ‘ the customary ten shillings ’ , the violent navvy behaved like a perfect gent : Sir Robert Mark thus tries to squeeze out of this story a moral which points to the deteriorated relationship between the police and public .
17 But Mr de Soto goes down well in Washington , where he has helped persuade the authorities to take the previously unknown Mr Fujimori seriously .
18 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
19 The other , John Beaumont , may also have been to some extent Gloucester 's man since he and his putative father Sir Henry Bodrugan went on to become supporters of Richard III in the region .
20 Sir John Pennycuick went on to refer to the far-reaching limitations which govern the exercise of the jurisdiction .
21 Sir John Riddell went back to the City , and was replaced by Major General Sir Christopher Airy , recently retired from commanding the Household Division , admirable qualifications for the job .
22 The name Lucy Warren went in to the computer at Moscow Centre , along with hundreds of other names on the periphery of the various movements .
23 Histon keeper David Norman went off with a back injury but Newmarket did not give his replacement , ex-Newmarket defender Dick Hall , too many problems after the break .
24 Elsewhere Southport Central , Sheffield Wicker , Leicester West Bridge , and Bradford Adolphus Street went over from passenger to goods traffic , when supplanted by more extensive terminals .
25 Detective Sergeant Burgess went off to report to his Superintendent , and Redpath , who 'd been on duty since midnight , decided to try for a few hours ' sleep .
26 Some weeks after that famous night Madame Giry went out one afternoon to a small house near the Rivoli Gardens .
27 In casting the Sensorites Mervyn Pinfield went deliberately for older , more rotund actors .
28 The next night Geoffrey Appleyard went in alone , and after scouting round for the two agents he was to meet , he abandoned all caution , running up and down the beach shouting for them and waving his torch .
29 In the women 's event , Olympic champion Jennifer Capriati went down 3-6 , 7-5 , 6-4 to the Austrian , Judith Wiesner .
30 But I noticed that Madame de Mauban went on to Strelsau , the capital .
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