Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] to [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 It explicitly reversed the accepted Catholic teaching which related freedom only to truth and not to persons , claiming that error had no rights .
2 He writes of ‘ the little town Portadown , with its comfortable unpretending houses , its squares and market-place , its pretty quay , with craft along the river , a steamer building in the dock close to mills and warehouses — a pleasant conclusion to this ten miles ' drive ( from Armagh ) . ’
3 Amaret Sila-on was a prominent industrialist , while Virabongsa Ramangura was a non-party economics expert , with a reputation for fiscal conservatism ; he had been economics adviser both to Chatichai and to his predecessor Gen. Prem Tinsulanonda .
4 prepare for entry both to employment and higher education
5 ‘ Why , Taggy told me she had been obliged to deny entrance both to Tiverton and to Finchingfield . ’
6 However , there is intense public opposition both to incinerators and to moving the old shells and bombs around .
7 How should we understand the state , its relationships both to society and to individuals ?
8 In the years when Hartley was building Albert Dock and other extensions of the system , Liverpool was rapidly becoming established as the second most important port in Britain , and Albert Dock , which has outlived its usefulness , stands as a monument both to Hartley and to Liverpool 's Victorian prosperity .
9 England batted first and , thanks mainly to Lamb and Smith , reached 214 .
10 She looked from the photograph across to McKillop and he sensed that there was a hint of disapproval in her glance .
11 Many golfers therefore opt to take short trips abroad to Spain and Portugal , in order not only to play but to take advantage of the warm climate .
12 Such a mental health ‘ sus law , ’ invoked on the basis of unreliable predictions of dangerousness , will bring psychiatric practice closer to policing and will undermine the attempts to achieve cure or care , both in hospitals and community settings .
13 This will apply.not only to mathematics and English , but also to areas such as science and arts , where at present progression and continuity are particularly weak .
14 The Northumbrians were instructed not to establish as king anyone who was illegitimate ( a slighting reference perhaps to Aldfrith and his descendants , or , for all that we know to the contrary , to other rulers — Aethelwald or Alhred ) nor to conspire to kill a king who was the Lord 's anointed , and any bishop or priest who was involved in such a crime was to be expelled from the Church and any layman excommunicated .
15 In the eyes of most Albertans , Tollemarche was a tourist centre second only to Calgary and Edmonton .
16 So people were increasingly being faced with the problem of lots more dog mess close to home and how to dispose of it !
17 Not only future proposals but also information about the present financial position of schools must be made available for reference both to parents and to others , in education offices and public libraries .
18 His attitude both to life and art , charming enough in him , when taken up by others as a general cultural ideal becomes something deadly , especially for the English , an intelligent but very lazy people , far too easily bored , and persuaded beyond argument that they are the Herrenvolk .
19 The EOC found that direct discrimination occurred when managers described the mobility requirement differently to men and women and made it more onerous for women to comply with it .
20 Timber-framed examples have survived in an area extending from Wiltshire and Hampshire across to Suffolk and Kent .
21 It 's also a good idea to have a spare machine readily to hand and regularly checked so that it can be wheeled in at a moment 's notice .
22 We shall consider these changes in more detail in Chapter 6 , and relate them to spatial data by reference principally to female and part-time employees .
23 The links that have developed in networking with the many voluntary groups that operate in the areas and the recognition of the individuals right to self-esteem and to develop an expertise in relation to living and functioning in their many roles , has changed my way of working with people — probably forever .
24 That 's all to come tomorrow night at five past seven , Forest away to Wolves and also tomorrow night we have Coca Cola Cup replays as well do n't we , so er do n't miss that one .
25 Two days previously , Iran had announced a no-go ‘ Advice Area ’ of its own , running from a point close to Kharg and across to Kuwait , down the Gulf to the islands of Sirri and Abu Musa .
26 Voice of Israel radio said that Israel wanted US Defence Secretary Richard Cheney to submit a written commitment to Congress that the aircraft would not be placed at air bases close to Israel and would not , under any circumstances , attack Israel .
27 To the majority who never had the chance to meet him properly , I should like to tell you that he was a merry young man who tempered his quick intelligence with humour , and would , in time , have made worthwhile contributions both to medicine and to the Circle … ’
28 PR , she said , is about the entire communication of your business internally to employees and externally to customers .
29 Stephen turned his attention abruptly to Roger and Amy Dyson , hovering behind Martin 's broad back .
30 Work started almost immediately in planning the replacement of tracks northwards to Smethwick and the line to Stourbridge , Worcester and Hereford .
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