Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] from [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Sutcliffe , wearing dark tinted glasses , listened carefully in the packed public benches as Mr Lightman read out an affidavit by Oliver Duke , once the boyfriend of Mail on Sunday reporter Barbara Jones , in which he admitted taking part in a scheme to get the money secretly from the newspaper to Mrs Sutcliffe .
2 Therefore for these people it may be sensible to attend both Fellowships right from the start .
3 So you 're kicking against the pricks right from the start .
4 Increasingly , then , the Conservative party is becoming a party that draws its support predominantly from the South of England , from the rural and suburban constituencies , and from home-owners .
5 Then , spontaneously , Changez pushed himself up and danced with them , lifting each foot ponderously from the floor like a performing elephant , and sticking his elbows out as if he 'd been asked , in a drama class , to be a flamingo .
6 Several of the group who took part most from the Certificate of Pre-Vocational Education course are handicapped in some way .
7 ‘ We were about twenty minutes altogether from the point where we realized they could n't get us down to the time when we stepped on to the roof .
8 One type of reservation relates to the class nature of adoption : it is thought that the observed beneficial effects of adoption stem mostly from the tendency of adoption to move children to a somewhat higher social class than that of the family of origin .
9 Of all the competing political parties , only the " Lithuanian Communist Party on the CPSU platform " ( a breakaway faction of the CPL , which favoured continued subordination to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and drew its support overwhelmingly from the minority Russian , Byelorussian and Polish populations — ibid. ) did not campaign with a pro-independence manifesto .
10 Thus it was that a young cosmochelonian of the Steady Gait faction , testing a new telescope with which he hoped to make measurements of the precise albedo of Great A'Tuin 's right eye , was on this eventful evening the first outsider to see the smoke rise hubward from the burning of the oldest city in the world .
11 The Legal Aid Act 1974 provides that solicitor and counsel may receive their remuneration only from the fund .
12 Daniel had pieced the story together from the radio : " with throat wounds .
13 This included four highly decorated skillet handles and a circular medallion presumably from a base .
14 The parents of toddlers and preschool children were encouraged to give several servings daily from a variety of fibre rich foods such as whole grain breads and cereals , fruits and vegetables , and legumes .
15 Applix Inc has poached DJ Long from the Unix side of Lotus Development Corp as its new vice-president of marketing .
16 Some keep them in shoeboxes away from the light ,
17 I have purposely positioned this photograph away from the conference photographs to avoid readers confusing it with views of the Institute Officers .
18 Helmut Kragan sat on his right , his seat away from the table , as befitted the recorder of minutes who was n't a council member .
19 Besides , ‘ with respect , I think you 're playing the movie backwards from the end .
20 He and Jordan were conducting their own ritual away from the group .
21 The idea that one can earn a living away from the smoke , perhaps by tele-commuting , are popularised by journalists .
22 Evening after evening Father McGiff sat at his desk , ashamed of his indulgence , upbraiding himself for his inability to drag his eyes away from the window which , like some perverse crystal ball , conjured up only ghosts of the past instead of promises of the future .
23 " Sit here , near me , and let's be cosy … oh , well , perhaps just a touch , " she turned her eyes away from the bottle and gazed absently at the passing crowd until her glass was quite full .
24 Isabel dragged her eyes away from the ground and stared at fitzAlan .
25 Yes , I did get the name of the company and the guitar — Washburn Mercury — but once I 'd dragged my eyes away from the damsel 's cleavage , the questions started .
26 I released her fingers but I could n't drag my eyes away from the gleam of gold as it winked tantalisingly at me .
27 New imaging and scanning equipment can transmit images away from the site of the machine since they use computers not X-ray film , allowing doctors at outlying sites to have recourse to specialist opinion relayed from a distance .
28 People going out of the crush for a breather and intimate talk away from the throng could linger without the girls needing the pretty shawls they had brought out to cover their bare arms .
29 Nottinghamshire originally sought a prohibited steps order to keep the perpetrator away from the family home , but was turned down by the High Court which said it had no option other than to make a residence order .
30 Employees visiting clients away from the workplace , particularly outside normal hours of duty
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