Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] and [verb] they " in BNC.

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1 Would not it have been more sensible to request all those concerned with the project to put forward their plans together and subject them all to just one public inquiry ?
2 We are pleased offer our detailed views below and hope they will be taken into account before the Government finalises its procedures for the implementation of the EC Directive .
3 Lorton swept the coins together and crammed them into the box .
4 This encodes the audio and video signals together and puts them onto the tape via the high-speed rotation of the head-drum ; it is this ‘ high writing speed ’ recording method which greatly improves the audio quality compared with VHS mono .
5 They were side by side , and she rolled on to her back , arched herself to receive him as she stretched her legs outwards and clasped them round him .
6 A classical , goblet-shaped stone urn , placed on a plinth at the end of a long , narrow lawn draws the mixed borders on either side together and integrates them .
7 I felt a perverse , and entirely unfair , urge to bang their heads together and tell them it was their duty to be depressed and scruffy like me .
8 Lucinda jumped to her feet , collecting cups , plates and cutlery together and placing them on the tray .
9 ‘ We know that , Mr Vigo , ’ he said , wrenching his eyes away and fixing them on an eggshell thin service , made to contain jasmine tea .
10 It is important that colleges and universities use the access funds sensitively and target them on those who need them .
11 The battles of Penselwood and Sherston were apparently inconclusive , although hard-fought in the case of the latter , but Edmund was able to relieve London , driving the enemy away and defeating them after crossing the Thames at Brentford .
12 COCA-COLA took over sponsorship of the League Cup in a £2.25 million deal yesterday and confirmed they are the ‘ real thing ’ for football .
13 Cool left-overs quickly and keep them cool .
14 ‘ It 's the hymns that are the great stumbling block , ’ Everard went on , ‘ but really the only thing is to abandon oneself to the words uncritically and let them flow over one . ’
15 Chatterton pulled their legs slightly and said they had better be careful not to get on the wrong side of you again and Glastonbury did n't know what the hell anyone was talking about .
16 He contacted the South Africans who had been told they could n't meet a council delegation independently and invited them to a meeting in Darlington town hall .
17 I 've got to phone the Inland Revenue tomorrow and ask them what the maximum
18 Extend both legs forwards and squeeze them together 25 times , holding each squeeze for 1 second .
19 Extend both legs forwards and squeeze them together 30 times holding each squeeze for 1 second .
20 Extend both legs forwards and squeeze them together 30 times , holding each squeeze for 1 second .
21 He commands them , ‘ Go , then , to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples … ’
22 ‘ Go , then , to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples … ’
23 As he took up his school books again and moved them into his bedroom , he wondered if his father had told his mother about his leaving school .
24 Go round the again car again and throw them to the kids .
25 All I 'm asking is that you begin to take these methods seriously and consider them alongside your own quantitative skills .
26 Weed out some of your books occasionally and give them to jumble sales or charity shops .
27 To make a Covenant , just complete the two forms above and return them to us in the envelope provided .
28 Will go to Viola and Gerald tonight and hope they talk of something else .
29 Accumulate movements slowly and assimilate them thoroughly .
30 ‘ I put all the ingredients together and put them on individual plates , but lots of people helped get the lobster out of their shells , and Alfred made the mayonnaise .
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