Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adv] [adj] than " in BNC.

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1 However , in keeping with the somewhat critical approach adopted in Chapter 1 , and because we also wish to indicate how our studies might be put upon a set-theoretical base ( the soundness of which is the concern of set-theorists ) we propose definitions rather more formal than many a reader might expect .
2 Thiemens told a January meeting of the American Astronomical Society in Boston that similar isotope effects may exist for other diatomic gases such as hydrogen and nitrogen which , like oxygen , have one isotope much more abundant than others .
3 Pale forms much more frequent than dark .
4 Economists worry that even higher rates would make a prolonged recession much more likely than at present .
5 They would simply be judged very improbable , the waving statue much more improbable than the lightning .
6 Yet the statements of attainment are in most cases much less detailed than the sequences of behavioural objectives in use in many special schools .
7 It is an indication of the anachronism of Chesney Wold that , until the final pages of the novel , it is accessible to casual visitors — sometimes very casual , for they seem to form a category much less exclusive than Jane Austen 's .
8 Whatever his faults from the perspective of Amnesty International , those very same blots on his reputation were what made Romania much more credit-worthy than many less brutal regimes .
9 Other officials communicated with the Board of Trade whose President , Lord Halifax , managed during his dozen years in office after 1748 to make the department rather more effective than usual .
10 In 1938 the ordinary fees were twenty-one guineas a year , and for those who paid fees this made Emanuel rather more expensive than the general run of London County Council secondary schools .
11 But in all cases he found that local people 's blood showed concentrations only marginally higher than national averages , and locally grown vegetables had concentrations within safety limits .
12 As to the last rendering , one of the possible meanings of is " take flight " , " scatter in all directions " , with reference to the rout of an army.3 Here is a figure less immediately accessible than the apparent metaphor of " dissolving " , " melting " , yet no less consistent with the poet 's intentions .
13 In consequence Ferrier 's ‘ Che farò ? ’ here sounds to today 's ears much more plausible than the famous , much more leisurely ‘ What is life ? ’ that opens the third disc .
14 What Nicky discovered is that responding to God is an act of submission — of giving in to a force much more powerful than our own .
15 The second is that , in fact , direct democracy could be a great deal more widely practised than it actually is , and that some modern technological developments have made it easier to implement than it might have been a century ago .
16 Milk in returnable bottles is aesthetically pleasing , safer and a good deal more environmentally friendly than in cartons .
17 But he bowled through with his customary dry wit , unveiling a choice of award winners slightly less conservative than those chosen by the electorate the following day .
18 Edward IV and Henry VII made land revenue far more important than it had been in the past , until by 1509 it slightly exceeded the yield from customs .
19 There is surely a strong social argument for regarding those who kill by using excessive force on an occasion which justifies the use of some force as less culpable than the ordinary run of murderers .
20 This uneven distribution produces anomalies far more obvious than those in England or even Wales ( Alexander 1982a : 125 — 131 ) .
21 On Dr Neil this had an effect even more erotic than any more intimate caressing of his body might have produced .
22 His daughter wrote , in a biography even more adulatory than most Victorian daughters ' biographies of their fathers , ‘ He loved conversing with all manner of persons , but I do think he preferred a parson to any other .
23 The astonishing garment was made of some smooth material in a mixture of very dark greens and blues which flattered her blonde hair and made her slate-coloured eyes even more ravishing than usual .
24 We recently had a PM even more rude than Paul Keating .
25 STRAIGHT OUT OF BROOKLYN Unfortunately more interesting than 19-year-old Matty Rich 's film — a slice-of-Brooklyn melodrama crusted with symbolism and piety — is the story of how it came to be made : ambitious kid from Brooklyn drops out of film school , blags some equipment and funds a film on the back of radio appeals .
26 The centralised technical control , exercised by the chief engineer 's department at headquarters , meant that the men who had accepted these posts were to find their room for independent and creative action significantly more constrained than was the case for their colleagues in the Area Boards .
27 If so , estimate how long this will take , call the candidates for interview that much earlier than you would otherwise have done , and let them know in the letter that they are to be given a tour first .
28 The English ambassador — and the English king — no doubt found the spectacle of what was going on in Scotland rather less surprising than Sir George Douglas .
29 We are certainly dealing with matters much more serious than mere inconvenience .
30 Other countries apparently more successful than us , never seem to mind change , the British do for fear that it diminishes their lot in life .
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