Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [pron] [is] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 cos he comes back next Friday and we 're on lates so he 's on earlies so
2 Erm I have four or five people I can take on for any one of those companies so nobody 's in competition with
3 By regulating the quantity directly it is at least possible to ensure that the disaster is avoided .
4 If Therapy ? feel they need their own ‘ Teen Spirit ’ icon to fling into the fray , t hen here it is with both barrels blazing .
5 And he 's a director of Leeds museum well he is at the moment anyway .
6 one two two A is the Tibetan bell , it 's in front of the rostrum here it 's in front of the rostrum at two hundred pounds at two hundred , two twenty , at two hundred and twenty pounds two hundred and twenty pounds you all done at two twenty ?
7 That was the pressure of the labour party policy and if there is any stress on staff in this council then it is at your responsibility .
8 Erm and the reason we set this is that we are erm er the er , er we believe that this above average er growth in the in the , erm , er , earnings per share of the company is what shareh increases in shareholder value really depend on and er again to give an example erm , if you take the , the , the , the , the , the F T S E a hundred companies erm , and you do analyses of their er , growth rates and earnings per share you will find that the average growth rate was eleven and a half percent and ours er , was er , twenty , twenty percent so it 's above average remuneration erm , er , er , for above av for above average performance .
9 No O K. So he 's on his own in the room at night , erm and what do you think is outside the window ?
10 Come home to Rebecca , you tell daddy , ask daddy if he 's alright , you do it , alright , you alright , say bye , bye , bye , bye say bye , bye to daddy ooh bye , bye , daddy , say bye , bye to daddy , you alright , yes daddy alright , daddy alright what 's in there ?
11 For example , if you wanted to ’ bag up ’ with barbel a trip to the Severn may be in order , but if you wanted a ten pounder then it 's worth driving to one of the hot southern rivers like the Hampshire Avon , Bristol Avon or Kennet .
12 There is a full discussion of this case at p76. 1.5 The employee 's duty to disclose to his employer information which may be of use to that employer ( and not personally to profit from it ) If , during the course of employment , an employee receives information which is or may reasonably be relevant to his employer 's business then he is under a duty : ( a ) to disclose all relevant information received to the employer ; and ( b ) not to use that information for his or another 's benefit unless the employer consents .
13 Yes , but , but the national land conference approved the outline agrarian law erm and then it be it became formal policy in October so it is after , but , but it was the land conference which actually ratified it .
14 When he was out of hearing , Melody asked , ‘ You going to marry Anna now she 's on her own ? ’
15 Cos even in the the shadow area you see there 's still nice textures shown on the fronts of the steps here and on this wall here which is in shadow , it 's still got th the texture showing through .
16 It asks you what you 've got to do for , it tells you what you 've to do for your test and it tells you what you should and what you should n't do , it 's only forty one pages so if you want to read it you can have it , it 's quite good , it 's not full pages either it 's like drawings and just bits of paragraphs .
17 I thought Salisbury 's would of had loads Will have a look in a Army & Navy otherwise It 's in here I think , oh I do n't know whether C & A 's would have any Now then , watch out for , I mean I think there 's must be a logic shop or something .
18 I 'm sure he 's done his England career a load of good … he 'll be concidered a good footballer now he 's at Rovers ( even though he 'll be doing eaxctly what he was at Leeds ! ! ! !
19 We may think we are an uncaring society but in this matter of looking after our own , we are most emphatically not : for every hundred old people only one is in a home and then often after enormous efforts to help them at home have failed .
20 For the surgeon suddenly everything 's in closeup .
21 Of course , what it is to ‘ be a pupil ’ is in some ways just what is at issue all along .
22 How he walks up to me , he sort of looked at me yeah like , like he looked really went hello , give me a kiss then he 's like some old man
23 and you 're a visitor there which is as it should be .
24 We 've had people we had one chap an old mate of mine he give us fifty P well he 's on the dole there .
25 And if they fail to find all your information and recommend something and then you say , Well er invalid son or parents and I need that money then he 's at fault and you can then er take them to court for failing to give you best advice .
26 If a lot of juggling and rearrangement of figures is necessary to transfer the information to the forms then it is worth considering adopting a new procedure for preparing the tax computation .
27 If you have a monastery or convent nearby it is worth enquiring there too , for those who have spent years in a ministry of prayer can have much to offer .
28 Another reason is that when processes are understood at the molecular level then there is at once a natural link to chemistry , a most powerful body of knowledge to advance further understanding .
29 No , fridge/freezer so it 's down two flights of stairs .
30 Well it 's suspended pending enquiries so it 's in suspension .
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