Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] [prep] [subord] " in BNC.

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31 He was aware of his father , glancing at the frozen man whose darkly bearded head still hung as if with shame , his body hunched , the cold seeping through the bear and wolf skins .
32 In one of a series of flashy special effects that often intrude rather than enhance the action , Streep 's upper and nether regions instantaneously tighten as if bolted into an invisible vice .
33 Dalgliesh wondered why it was that , when walking towards the sea , there came a moment when its roar suddenly increased as if a menace , quiescent and benign , had suddenly realized and gathered up its power .
34 In selecting the best method of prophylaxis much depends on whether the farm consists primarily of permanent pasture or has pastures which are rotated with crops so that new leys or hay and silage aftermaths are available each year .
35 Outwardly intelligent people still argue about whether Ronald Reagan ‘ knew ’ of an enormous illegal operation run from his own White House basement .
36 ‘ No , ’ said Gay , ‘ he 's not classical , whatever else he is ; besides , people always argue about whether it 's a hard or soft C. He 's rather a mystery dog , is n't he ?
37 AT the beginning of the 1980s passengers experienced great variances of comfort and style on InterCity and cross-country trains mainly according to whether they were travelling in one of the three basic designs that made up most of the fleet , one each from the fifties , sixties and seventies .
38 A debate even begins about whether the army is not getting a little trigger-happy in its nervous and no doubt terrified tension .
39 Rachel asked the patient to sit in the small waiting area then turned as if to go and prepare herself to see to him .
40 ‘ It mus ’ be a lot fer 'er , what wiv the baby ter care for as well .
41 ‘ I 've got one baby ter look after as well as an ‘ usband an' the business .
42 One of the problems is that some doctors still behave as if they are deserving of awe , or as if patients are fools , when every patient is an expert on himself , at least .
43 I want the land west of Wedale and the south bank of the river Forth to do with as I please .
44 Evaluations of Soviet society inevitably focus on whether a ruling group that does not own , but controls , property , receiving a salary rather than extracting surplus for its own use , can legitimately be called a ruling class in a Marxist sense in which class depends on the ownership of the means of production and the extraction of surplus from an exploited class .
45 Reference to the appropriate data track The timing here depends on whether the record in question is stored on a prime or an overflow track .
46 This is brave talk after the event , but in 1981 the speaker certainly acted as if the president had a mandate , meekly conceding control over the timetable and repeatedly running up the white flag before crucial votes .
47 The children all looked as if they did n't have a care in the world , that this was just another ordinary day , and what was taking place within the hall some sort of social occasion .
48 Was Burgess more sinned against than sinning ?
49 The townfolk always stared as if we were doing it on purpose , and that made us feel worse .
50 It would be idle to pretend that any of the Pacific islands have the kind of economic importance possessed by , say , Korea , or Malaysia , but in addition to potentially immense political importance and no small amount of charm , they have a symbolic significance — for they are what the world still thinks of when confronted with the single word , Pacific .
51 Trade negotiations always look as if they were about to break down just before they succeed .
52 And suddenly I realised that there was a whole lot more going on than I 'd even thought of .
53 Whether that is a good or bad thing probably depends on whether you are paying or receiving .
54 Each participant also behaves as if there exists only one presupposition pool shared by all participants in the discourse .
55 Both county councils and the Secretary of State are somewhat equivocal on this point , the answer really depending on whether they ‘ like ’ the proposed development .
56 However , while the nature of the effect of feedback on gain is similar for each circuit arrangement , occurrence of a decreased or increased gain simply depending on whether the feedback is negative or positive , the character of the effect of feedback on the input and output impedance depends on whether the relevant circuit connection is series or parallel as well as on whether the feedback is negative or positive .
57 Because of their cultural inhibitions all men everywhere behave as if they were members of many different species .
58 Obviously , we that right , people will still move if unemployment 's high , but if you try , if the government tries and gets rid of unem urban unemployment , say people have moved because of it , so there 's unemployment there to start with because of the reasons we 've discussed earlier , so then the government said okay , well let's get rid of the unemployment that has occurred already , by erm , either , at the same wage rate trying to well yes , the same , they 'll keep wage rates the same , but erm , increase , you know , make the public sector bigger or , or do something to create urban jobs , and basically all it will do is , encourage more migrants because they 'll see the probability of getting a job will increase so the expected wage will increase so you 'll get migration on top of what 's already occurring .
59 Other forms of editing demand can also occur such as inserting information which was previously unavailable , or , combining two areas of information initially thought of as being independent but which are shown later to be related .
60 The matter therefore hinges on whether carving directly onto day in the negative is a skill easily acquired .
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