Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [adj] [conj] with " in BNC.

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1 Patience rewarded Nowhere are Yorkshire 's technical shortcomings more recognisable than with Sharp , recalled after three centuries in the second team .
2 When , during the 1930s and 1940s , the concern was with the quantity as much as with the quality of population this particular objection carried little weight , although being drawn upon as a reason for not restricting a national scheme of family allowances to the working classes alone .
3 For example , the objective ‘ make up a bed , according to standard procedure ’ draws on general standards in that waterproof pillow-covers and light bedding would be required , and local standards for bed making , whether that means a ‘ general tucking-in all round ’ or ‘ all corners perfectly rectangular and with the top sheet turned over 32.5 cms ’ .
4 He is also keen for the company to become known as a specialist in project management — he is prepared to undertake such work either alone or with third parties .
5 Indeed , with farming especially brisk and with recruitment affecting the labour market , the French war years were associated with " buoyant and rising " female wages This may also have been the case in Leicestershire , Nottinghamshire and Rutland .
6 It has been observed that reinfection of the grafted liver by HBV either alone or with HDV is common .
7 On the other hand , I do hit the ball tremendously hard and with various violent spins .
8 It has a K-type spectrum , but I always find the colour less pronounced than with most bright K-stars , though binoculars show it to be decidedly ‘ off-white ’ .
9 The tradition of literacy in the army goes back to the seventeenth century and the Civil War , which was fought with texts and pamphlets as much as with weapons , and beyond to the Reformation , and beyond that again to the mediaeval orders of chivalry such as the Knights Templar .
10 It was shorn of its sails around 1805 and with added battlements , became the ‘ Signal Tower ’ .
11 Fill in and return the payment instruction overleaf and for the next three months you 'll receive the New Internationalist magazine absolutely free and with no obligation , plus your gifts .
12 For the briefest and most uncomfortable moment , he was made to think of the father he 'd left behind in the North of England , a man just widowed and with a stepson whom he disliked intensely .
13 Last year Ford UK took a major step in banning staff members under 21 or with fewer than three years ' driving experience from using the fast models .
14 These make cultivation slightly easier as with drainage holes , there is less risk of overwatering .
15 That unpleasant responsibility is less necessary than it was but the habit of mind , in society as much as with the professions , lingers on .
16 After dinner , sitting on the veranda , with his pipe well alight and with a glass of neat Old Rarity at his side , Alec Reid told me the extraordinary story of the fortune which he said belonged to Tiare .
17 Kitted up some five minutes later with a pair a good size too small and with a hole in the right toe , McLeish led his troops into action .
18 Its relatively light weight ( 1.9kg/4lb ) makes drilling above shoulder height a lot less tiring than with the normal electropneumatic hammer drills which you may hire .
19 But if he suffers to this extent by comparison with Barth , he towers over most other theologians of his generation ; and it is more than a little sad that two men so gifted and with so much in common should not have managed to remain closer to each other .
20 Referees are so trusting that at one recent international a player who had forgotten his reserve boots showed the ref the physio 's pair — three sizes too small and with moulded studs !
21 ‘ You may ask about his daily routine when abroad ; he attends matins at church and priestly services either alone or with a small following , and worships so devoutly that he has set an example to all Italians of the honour and reverence that should be paid to bishops and clergy .
22 The issue is as much conceptual as empirical , having to do with the definition and measurement of handedness as much as with the demonstration of a hemisphere " dominance " effect .
23 One should visit Italy for the first time either alone or with a lover , she decided .
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