Example sentences of "[noun] [adv] [verb] some way " in BNC.

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1 For ‘ high risk ’ fetuses , waveform analysis of the electrocardiogram shows promise ; oximetry still has some way to go .
2 However , the academic literature still has some way to go .
3 But the Scottish Rooflessness Initiative still has some way to go , especially in preventing young Scots becoming homeless and at risk in London , he told a seminar in Edinburgh .
4 Woodworking businesses still have some way to go before they can show that they are controlling the hardwood dust emissions from machinery .
5 The theory also goes some way towards answering the question of why people speak indirectly .
6 From where will recovery in housing come , with interest rates at their present level , with house prices still having some way to fall and with a huge overhang of unsold houses ?
7 The autobiographical source of the novel also goes some way to explaining the method of presentation of Antoine 's character which at a personal level reflects a tension between a father and a son , and at a historical level reflects a tension between two different epochs .
8 The model also goes some way to clarify the problem of the ‘ humanities ’ .
9 Whilst byelaws therefore go some way to control fish trying odours from existing fish and chip shops , the primary most effective control still lies with planners to ensure that new premises , or those where a change of use to a fish and chip shop is contemplated , are sited where they will cause the least irritation to local residents , perhaps siting them together with other shops .
10 Nevertheless , the Greek system still has some way to travel before it will be the sort of political machine a post-cold-war democracy requires .
11 The saga still has some way to run .
12 In general they did not seek harsh retributory sentences once order had been restored and in a surprisingly large number of cases actually went some way towards meeting the wishes of the crowd by doing something to encourage a lowering of prices and initiating or participating in relief measures .
13 Notwithstanding this promise , the use of road pricing to change travel habits still seems some way off .
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